Ексцентричен бътерфлай клапан

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ексцентрична дроселна клапа

Eccentric butterfly valves are an excellent choice for a variety of industrial applications, particularly those that require high pressures and temperatures. The eccentric design of the disc provides several advantages over other types of butterfly valves, including a more reliable seal and increased durability.

Farpro Valve offer a range of eccentric butterfly valves that are engineered to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our valves are designed with precision and manufactured using the highest quality materials, ensuring that they will perform at the highest level under even the most demanding conditions.

Types of Eccentric Butterfly Valve

Both single offset, double offset eccentric butterfly valves and triple offset eccentric butterfly valve can be equipped with different types of seats, such as resilient seats, metal seats, or PTFE seats, depending on the application requirements. Допълнително, eccentric butterfly valves can be operated manually, pneumatically, or electrically.

Single Offset Eccentric Butterfly Valves

Single offset eccentric butterfly valves have the disc offset from the centerline of the valve body by a small distance, which reduces the friction between the disc and the seat. This design provides a tight seal and reduces wear on the valve components. Single offset eccentric butterfly valves are commonly used in applications that require a tight seal, като например в индустрията за химическа и хранителна преработка.

Double offset eccentric butterfly valves have the disc offset from the centerline of the valve body by a larger distance than single offset valves. This design provides a more reliable and durable seal, making it suitable for high-pressure and high-temperature applications. Double offset eccentric butterfly valves are commonly used in the oil and gas, производство на електроенергия, and mining industries.

A triple offset eccentric butterfly valve (TOV) is a type of industrial valve that is commonly used in high-pressure and high-temperature applications. It features a metal-seated disc with a triple offset design that eliminates any rubbing or interference between the disc and seat, resulting in a tight and reliable shut-off.

Why choose Farpro Eccentric Butterfly Valve?

Our eccentric butterfly valves are available in a variety of sizes and configurations to meet the needs of any application. Whether you require a valve for a water treatment plant, a chemical processing facility, or a pulp and paper processing plant, we have the expertise to provide you with the right solution.

We take pride in our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, and our eccentric butterfly valves are no exception. We rigorously test every valve we manufacture to ensure that it meets our exacting standards, and we stand behind our products with a comprehensive warranty.

Trust Farpro Valve for all your eccentric butterfly valve needs. Свържете се с нас днес, за да научите повече за нашите продукти и услуги.

Farpro Valve Вярвания

Вярваме, че сериозното отношение към всеки продукт и искреното приемане на всеки клиент са най-важните неща за Farpro Valve.

Нашите дроселови клапи не са непременно на най-ниската цена, но определено ще бъдем най-честният производител и вашият най-верен партньор.

Farpro Valve е голям световен производител на клапани, ангажиран с изследванията, развитие, производство и продажба на арматура.

Нашите продуктови стандарти включват: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, ОТ, ТОЙ, ГОСТ, NF, и т.н.

Нашите вентили се предлагат в 12 основни категории, 200 серия и 4000 размери, включително шибъри, сферични вентили, сферични кранове, бътерфлай клапи, възвратни клапани, диафрагмени вентили, редуцир вентили, щепселни вентили, капани, и т.н.

Годишната продукция достига 80,000 тона. Всички продукти се използват широко в петрола, нефтохимически, химически, електрическа енергия, металургия, опазване на водата, строителство, фармацевтични, дренаж и други области.

Нашите продукти се продават добре на пазарите в Германия, Англия, Франция, Италия, Бразилия, Полша и повече от 30 страни и региони в Европа, Централна Азия, Западна Азия, и т.н.

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