Пневматичният мембранен вентил е нов тип електрически клапан, който използва сгъстен въздух като източник на енергия и преобразува пневматичния сигнал в електрически сигнал чрез задвижващ механизъм, за да управлява действието на клапана. Има предимствата на проста структура, малък обем, леко тегло, и т.н. Използва се в автоматичната система за управление на петрола, химически, металургичната и други индустрии като регулиращо и прихващащо устройство.
Industrial Valve Types
Valve solutions for every industry: Farpro manufactures and customizes type of industrial valves to meet your unique requirements.
Мембранен вентил
Diaphragm valves are a unique type of shut-off valve that control the flow of fluids in pipelines by using the movement of the diaphragm on the valve stem to regulate the opening and closing of the valve. The tightness of these valves is highly prominent, and their applications are wide-ranging due to the variety of diaphragm materials that can be used. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of diaphragm valves and their functions.
Вентил за проверка на екстракция
Екстракционни проверки на клапаните Играйте важна роля за предотвратяване на обратния поток и предпазване на ценно оборудване от повреда в парни и водни линии. Тези клапани са специално проектирани за използване в линии за извличане от парни турбини до нагреватели за захранване, отоплителни системи, или обработване на оборудване. Вентилът за проверка на извличането е проектиран за изключителна надеждност и може да бъде конфигуриран да остане отворен, докато се затвори от задвижването на цилиндъра на сигнала.
PTFE PFA облицована топка клапан
PTFE/PFA lined ball valves are corrosion resistant and anti-corrosion valves specially designed for various pipelines containing corrosive media. According to the working conditions of different valves can choose different lining materials. Such as PTFE, PFA and other corrosion-resistant, aging-resistant materials.
Types of One-way Valves
One-way valves also called възвратни клапани or non-return valves. It is a valve where the fluid can only flow along the inlet and the medium at the outlet cannot flow back.
It use in hydraulic systems to prevent the reverse flow of oil, or in pneumatic systems to prevent the reverse flow of compressed air. They play a crucial role in various industries by ensuring the unidirectional flow of substances in pipelines, системи, and equipment, thereby enhancing safety, efficiency, and performance.
Y Type Slurry Globe Valve
Y type slurry globe valve is for alumina solution and slurry easy to precipitate, scale, corrosive and other characteristics of the media.
Следователно, it mainly used in the slurry pipeline of petrochemical, металургия, фармацевтични, printing and dyeing industries.
This valve can be use as regulating and shut-off valve.
V Port Ball Valve
V port ball valve is a kind of ball valve, its closing member is a hemisphere with a V-shaped opening. v-shaped opening has a sharp edge, in the ball rotation process, there is a wiping effect between the closing member, has a strong cutting off force on the media.
Соленоидни клапани
Solenoid valves are industrial equipment, controlled by electromagnetic force. Which used with different circuits to achieve the desired control and play an indispensable role in control systems. With this, there is a huge market demand for production equipment related to performance testing of solenoid valve products.
Introduction of UPVC Ball Valves
UPVC ball valve is simple in structure and consists of only a few parts.
Ball valve material consumption less, малък размер, леко тегло, small installation size, small driving torque, pressure regulating valve, лесен за работа.
This commonly used ball valve only needs to rotate 90 degrees to open and close quickly. And also has a good flow regulation effect and closed sealing characteristics.