Learn about eccentric half ball valves and V-type ball valves

Both the eccentric semi-ball valve and the V-type ball valve are ball valve products with good performance, надеждно запечатване, anti-blocking and siltation resistance. въпреки това, there are certain differences in actual use. As a large global valve manufacturer, Farpro Yuanda Valve willПрочетете още

Thinking about valve technology

In the current era, information technology is developing rapidly, and informatization and intelligence are constantly changing the face of industrial and agricultural production and people’s social life. As the terminal actuator for controlling the movement of fluids in pipelines, ifПрочетете още

Въведение в хидравличните клапани, които не могат да бъдат пропуснати

Хидравличните клапани се отнасят до устройство, използвано в хидравлични системи. Основната им функция е да контролират потока, pressure and direction of the fluid so that it follows certain flow, pressure and direction requirements. As an indispensable component of theПрочетете още

Клапани в нефтохимическата промишленост

Нефтохимическата промишленост е област, в която широко се използват различни клапани. Вентилите играят ключова роля в тръбопроводните системи, controlling and regulating the flow of liquids and gases. Different valve types have different performance characteristics, so they may beПрочетете още