We offer various types of ball valve, uključujući plutajuće kuglaste ventile, kuglasti ventili montirani na osovinu, kuglasti ventili s gornjim ulazom, i više, with sizes ranging from 1/2 inch to 56 inča. Our ball valves also come with various end connections, kao što su prirubnica, s navojem, and welded.
Our ball valves are designed and manufactured to meet the highest industry standards and specifications. They are made of high-quality materials, kao što su nehrđajući čelik, ugljični čelik, and brass, to ensure durability and long-lasting performance.
U Dodatku, we can customize our ball valves to meet your specific requirements, including special materials, premazi, and actuation options. Our experienced engineers and technicians will work closely with you to provide the best solution for your application.
Choose Farpro Valve as your ball valve supplier, and you will receive exceptional service, on-time delivery, and competitive prices. Contact us today to learn more about our ball valve products and services.

Types of Farpro Ball Valves

Plutajući kuglasti ventil obložen PTFE-om od lijevanog čelika – API Q41FC
Među proizvodima s kuglastim ventilom,Farpro plutajući kuglasti ventil od lijevanog čelika ima značajne prednosti kao što su fleksibilno otvaranje i zatvaranje, jednostavna struktura,

Kuglasti ventil s prirubnicom od nehrđajućeg čelika – Q341
Q341 gear operated flanged ball valves have the remarkable features of solid structure, precizna kontrola, učinkovit protok medija, and easy flange

Visokotlačni potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventil
Serija visokotlačnih potpuno zavarenih kuglastih ventila su potpuno zavareni kovani ventili koji su posebno prikladni za plin

Jedna linija za zavarivanje Potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventil
Potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventil s jednom linijom za zavarivanje ima mnoge prednosti, kao npr: jednostavne je strukture, male težine,

Ženski/zavarivanje Potpuno zavareni čelični kuglasti ventil
Potpuno zavareni čelični kuglasti ventil je tip kuglastog ventila koji je u potpunosti izrađen od zavarenih čeličnih komponenti.

Funkcija difuzije podzemnog zavarenog kuglastog ventila
Prilikom rada difuzijske funkcije podzemnog zavarenog kuglastog ventila, operater ne treba ići pod zemlju, ali samo potrebe

Podzemni potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventil Prethodno inkubiran
Prilikom rada podzemnog izravno ukopanog zavarenog kuglastog ventila, operater ne treba ići pod zemlju, ali samo potrebe

Zavareni čelični kuglasti ventil – Q361F
Jednodijelni zavareni čelični kuglasti ventil Q361F, nema vanjskog curenja, itd. Lopta je obrađena s vrlo visokom preciznošću i

Zavareni čelični kuglasti ventil – Q61F
Jednodijelni zavareni čelični kuglasti ventil Q61F, nema vanjskog curenja, itd. Lopta je obrađena s vrlo visokom preciznošću i

Plutajući kuglasti ventil s prirubnicom za odzračivanje zraka – CARX
Plutajući kuglasti ventil za odzračivanje CARX je tijelo ventila u obliku bačve, koji uglavnom sadrži set plutajućih od nehrđajućeg čelika

Kuglasti ventil montiran na osovinu od lijevanog čelika – Q47Ni
Farpro Valve nudi niz kuglastih ventila koji su izrađeni od lijevanog čelika. Ovi ventili su dizajnirani

Plutajući kuglasti ventil od lijevanog čelika – Q41Ni
Farpro Q41Ni plutajući kuglasti ventil vrsta je kuglastog ventila koji koristi plutajuću kuglu za kontrolu protoka

Kuglasti ventil montiran na osovinu od lijevanog čelika – Q347F
Q347F Kuglasti ventil montiran na osovinu je vrsta industrijskog ventila koji koristi dizajn plutajuće ili fiksne kugle za

Pneumatski kuglasti ventil od nehrđajućeg čelika – Q641F
Q641F pneumatic actuated ball valves are valves that use compressed air to power their opening and closing mechanisms. They typically

Električni kuglasti ventil – Q941F
FarPro ventil nudi Električne kuglične ventile Q41F i u nehrđajućem čeliku i od lijevanih čeličnih materijala. Ti su ventili dizajnirani za

Plutajući kuglasti ventil – Q41F
Farpro Yuanda Q41 plutajući kuglasti ventili su precizno konstruirani ventili dizajnirani za pouzdanu kontrolu tekućine u raznim industrijskim primjenama. Ovi ventili

Ukopani potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventili
Struktura ukopanog potpuno zavarenog kuglastog ventila je bolje izrađena, jednostavan za postavljanje dijela stabljike, posebno pogodan
Kuglasti ventil s prirubnicom
Flanged ball valves are designed with flanged end connections, which are bolted to the piping system. They are commonly used in chemical processing, nafte i plina, and water treatment applications.
Flanged type ball valves are ideal for use in applications where the valve needs to be removed for cleaning or repair. This type of ball valve are also suitable for high-pressure and high-temperature applications.
Fully Welded Ball Valve
Fully welded type ball valve will not have external leakage, itd. It is highly adaptable to pressure and temperature changes and will not leak within the marked pressure and temperature range. The processing of the ball is tracked by an advanced computer tester, so the ball is processed with high accuracy.
This type of ball valve is used in petroleum, kemijski, prirodni gas, toplinski, pomorska industrija, električna energija, farmaceutski, metalurgija, hrana, vojnog, construction engineering computer sense various industries.
Farpro će osigurati potpuno zavarene kuglaste ventile, kuglasti ventili, zavareni kuglasti ventili i drugi ventili i prateći proizvodi koji koriste različite primjene, te će nastaviti razvoj novih proizvoda i poboljšanje proizvoda kako bi kupcima pružili najbolje kuglaste ventile.
Plutajući kuglasti ventil
Floating ball valves are the most common type of ball valve. They consist of a simple ball with a floating design.
The ball is held in place by two seats, which are made of elastomeric materials. The ball is free to move in any direction and is held in place by the flow of fluid through the valve.
Kuglasti ventil
Kuglasti ventili s osovinom slični su plutajućim kuglastim ventilima, ali imaju dodatnu podršku. Imaju dva sjedala, po jedan sa svake strane lopte.
Kuglica se drži na mjestu pomoću dvaju osovina koje se protežu od kuglice u tijelo ventila. Ovaj dizajn pruža dodatnu podršku i omogućuje veću veličinu lopte.
Kuglasti ventil s gornjim ulazom
Top entry ball valves have a design that allows the valve to be repaired or replaced without removing the valve from the pipeline. Top entry ball valves are used in applications where the valve needs to be serviced frequently or where downtime is critical, kao što je u industriji nafte i plina.
V-Port Ball Valve
V-Port ball valves are used when precise control of fluid flow is required. They have a V-shaped ball with a contoured bore.
This design allows for more accurate control of the fluid flow rate. V-Port ball valves are commonly used in applications where precise control of the fluid is required, such as in chemical processing and the oil and gas industry.
Electric Ball Valves
Electric ball valves are operated using an electric actuator, which is powered by an electric motor. They are used in applications where remote control of the valve is required, kao što je u HVAC sustavima, postrojenja za pročišćavanje vode, i industrijski sustavi automatizacije. Electric ball valves offer precise control over the flow of fluid and are ideal for use in applications where accurate flow control is critical. Također ih je lako ugraditi i zahtijevati minimalno održavanje.
Pneumatic Ball Valves
Pneumatic ball valves are operated using compressed air, which is used to actuate the valve actuator. They are typically used in applications where the valve needs to be remotely controlled, such as in industrial automation systems.
Pneumatic ball valves are also ideal for use in hazardous environments, as they eliminate the need for electrical power in the area where the valve is located. They are often used in chemical processing, nafte i plina, and water treatment applications.
Multi-Port Type Ball Valves
Multi-port ball valves are used when more than two ports are required. They have multiple ports on the valve body, allowing for the flow of fluid to be directed to multiple destinations. Multi-port ball valves are commonly used in applications where multiple fluid lines need to be regulated.
Full Port Ball Valve
Full port ball valves have a bore diameter equal to the diameter of the pipe, allowing full flow capacity through the valve.
This type of ball valve have a larger diameter ball than standard port ball valves, providing less pressure drop across the valve. Full port ball valves are more expensive and heavier than standard port ball valves.
2 Way Ball Valve
2 way ball valves, also known as shut-off valves, have two ports: an inlet port and an outlet port. They are used to control the flow of fluid in a single direction and can be either open or closed.
Two-way ball valves are commonly used in applications where on/off control of the flow is required, such as in plumbing and HVAC systems.
3 Way Ball Valve
3 way ball valves have three ports: two inlet ports and one outlet port or one inlet port and two outlet ports. They are used to control the flow of fluid in multiple directions and can be used to divert, mix, or regulate the flow of fluid.
Three-way ball valves are commonly used in applications where the flow of fluid needs to be diverted or mixed, such as in chemical processing and water treatment.
4 Way Ball Valve
4 way ball valves have four ports and are used to control the flow of fluid in multiple directions. They have two inlet ports and two outlet ports, allowing for complex flow patterns to be achieved.
Four-way ball valves are commonly used in applications where complex fluid flow patterns need to be controlled, kao npr. u kemijskoj obradi, petrochemical processing, i HVAC sustavi.
Segmented Ball Valve
This type of ball valve has a partially segmented ball that offers a higher degree of control than a standard full port ball valve. The flow control is achieved by rotating the ball inside the valve, and the partially segmented ball provides a larger seating area, which helps to minimize wear and extend the valve's lifespan.
Segmented ball valves are commonly used in the chemical, nafte i plina, and pulp and paper industries.
High Pressure Ball Valve
High pressure ball valves are designed to handle high-pressure fluids and gases. They are commonly used in oil and gas processing, kemijska obrada, and hydraulic systems.
This type of ball valve are designed with reinforced construction to withstand high pressures and prevent leakage. They are available in a variety of materials to suit different applications.
The Most Important Applications and Uses of Ball Valves

Projekt pročišćavanja vode
Globus ventili i leptir ventili popularni su u industriji obrade vode zbog svoje precizne kontrole protoka i sposobnosti rukovanja korozivnim tekućinama. Farpro Valve's AWWA standard valves are recommended for this industry.
Ball valves are widely used in water treatment facilities for regulating the flow of water and other liquids.
They are an ideal choice for water treatment applications because they are resistant to corrosion and can withstand high pressures. Ball valves are also easy to operate, making them an ideal choice for regulating water flow.

Oil & Gas / Pomorska industrija
Types of ball valve and zasuni zasuna are commonly used in the oil and gas industry due to their ability to handle high pressure and temperature. Farpro Valve's API standard valves are recommended for this industry.
Ball valves are commonly used in the oil and gas industry for their high-pressure and high-temperature capabilities.
They are used to regulate the flow of oil, plin, and other fluids in pipelines and refineries. The durable construction of ball valves ensures that they can handle the harsh conditions found in the oil and gas industry.

Farmaceutska industrija
The pharmaceutical industry relies on ball valves to regulate the flow of various fluids during the manufacturing process.
Ball valves are an ideal choice for this industry because they are resistant to corrosion and can handle a wide range of chemicals and fluids. They are also easy to operate, making them an ideal choice for regulating the flow of fluids during the manufacturing process.
Advantages of Ball Valves
Various types of ball valves are an important component of many industrial applications. They offer several advantages over other types of valves, including high flow capacity, jednostavnost rada, low maintenance, and wide range of temperatures and pressures. Ball valves are versatile and can be used in a variety of applications across many different industries.
Understanding the different types of ball valve, their application scenarios, and their advantages can help you choose the right valve for your specific application.
They are used to regulate the flow of fluids, kao što je voda, zrak, fuels, i kemikalija, through different stages of processing and transportation systems. By understanding the applications of ball valves, industries can choose the right industrial valve for their specific needs, improving processes and increasing efficiency.
Ukratko, Farpro valve manufacturers produce ball valves that are versatile, reliable and cost-effective flow control devices used in many different industries.

High Flow Capacity
Farpro Ball valves offer a high flow capacity, making them an ideal choice for applications that require a high flow rate. The ball inside the valve creates a straight flow path, reducing turbulence and pressure drop.
Slabo održavanje
Wide Range of Temperatures and Pressures
Ball valves can handle a wide range of temperatures and pressures, making them an ideal choice for applications where extreme conditions are present. They are commonly used in applications where high temperatures and pressures are present, kao što je u industriji nafte i plina.
Otpornost na koroziju
Resistant to corrosion, making them an ideal choice for applications where corrosive fluids are present. They are commonly used in the chemical processing and water treatment industries, where corrosive fluids are present.
Industrija elektrana
- Projekt termoelektrane Shenglong 2*300MW u Vijetnamu
- Projekt elektrane Thailang TPI PP od 150 MW
- Projekt elektrane s kombiniranim ciklusom Bangladeš Hiraganjie od 225 MW
- Projekt proizvodnje toplinske energije iz otpadne toplinske energije u južnoafričkom rudniku Tubatse
- Projekt kogeneracije Korla 2*350MW
- Hidroelektrana Olese Kambodža
Oil&Gas / Dobavljači petrokemijskih proizvoda
- Baofeng Energy Group
- China Petroleum Engineering Construction
- SABIC Corporation Indonesia Projekt prirodnog plina
- Projekt geofizičkog istraživanja u Saudijskoj Arabiji
- Kazahstan Kolzhan Prospecting Project
- Gana TEMA Tank Project Kupnja vatrogasnog ventila
Dobavljači urbane gradnje
- Poljska Projekt prijenosa vode Krakow
- Projekt crpne stanice Tusterrick u Uzbekistanu
- Pakistan SK projekt
- Projekt Angola Nova Ciamangola 5000TPD, itd.
Uvjerenja Farpro ventila
Vjerujemo da su ozbiljno tretiranje svakog proizvoda i iskreno primanje svakog kupca najvažnije stvari za Farpro Valve.
Our ball valve products do not necessarily have the lowest price, ali svakako ćemo biti najpošteniji proizvođač i vaš najvjerniji partner.
Farpro Valve veliki je svjetski proizvođač ventila koji se bavi istraživanjem, razvoj, proizvodnja i prodaja ventila.
Naši standardi proizvoda uključuju: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, IZ, ON, GOST, NF, itd.
Naši ventili dostupni su u 12 glavne kategorije, 200 serije i 4000 veličine, uključujući zasune, kuglasti ventili, kuglasti ventili, leptir ventili, povratni ventili, membranski ventili, ventili za smanjenje tlaka, čep ventili, zamke, itd.
Godišnja proizvodnja doseže 80,000 tona. Svi proizvodi imaju široku primjenu u nafti, petrokemijski, kemijski, električna energija, metalurgija, očuvanje vode, konstrukcija, farmaceutski, odvodnje i dr. polja.
Naši proizvodi dobro se prodaju na tržištima Njemačke, Engleska, Francuska, Italija, Brazil, Poljska i više od 30 zemljama i regijama u Europi, Srednja Azija, Zapadna Azija, itd.
What is the difference between standard port and full port ball valves?
– Standard port ball valves have a reduced bore that restricts the flow of fluid through the valve, while full port ball valves have a bore diameter equal to the diameter of the pipe, allowing full flow capacity through the valve.
What is a V-port ball valve used for?
– V-port ball valves are used in applications that require precise flow control, such as in chemical processing and water treatment.
What materials are used for ball valves?
– Ball valves are made of various materials, including brass, ne hrđajući Čelik, ugljični čelik, i plastične, depending on the application and the fluid or gas being controlled.
How do you maintain ball valves?
– Proper maintenance of ball valves includes regular inspections, podmazivanje, cleaning, repair or replacement of damaged or worn components, and calibration.