Pneumatic ball valves are an excellent choice for applications where remote operation is required, especially in industrial automation systems. They use compressed air to actuate the valve actuator, allowing for precise control over the flow of fluid through the valve.
Farpro Valve offers a wide range of pneumatic ball valves in various sizes and materials, uključujući nehrđajući čelik, ugljični čelik, and brass. Our ball valve products are designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards and are tested rigorously to ensure their performance and reliability.
Advantages of Pneumatic Ball Valve
One of the advantages of pneumatic ball valves is that they can be used in hazardous environments because they don’t require electrical power to operate. This feature makes them ideal for use in chemical processing plants, oil and gas refineries, i postrojenja za pročišćavanje vode.
Another advantage of pneumatic ball valves is their high reliability and durability. They are designed to withstand harsh environments and can operate at high pressures and temperatures.

Pneumatski kuglasti ventil od nehrđajućeg čelika – Q641F
Q641F pneumatic actuated ball valves are valves that use compressed air to power their opening and closing mechanisms. They typically
Pneumatic ball valve applications
Pneumatic ball valves are commonly used in a wide range of industrial applications where remote control of the valve is required, such as in industrial automation systems, kemijska obrada, nafte i plina, and water treatment applications. They are also ideal for use in hazardous environments, as they do not require electrical power in the area where the valve is located. This is the risk factor of električni kuglični ventil.

In the chemical processing industry
Pneumatic ball valves are used to control the flow of various chemicals through pipelines. They are also commonly used in the oil and gas industry to control the flow of oil, plin, and other fluids in pipelines and other systems.
Postrojenja za pročišćavanje vode
Pneumatic ball valves are also used in water treatment plants to regulate the flow of water and other fluids. They are ideal for use in water treatment applications because they are resistant to corrosion and are able to withstand high pressures and temperatures.
U Dodatku, pneumatic ball valves are used in the food and beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry, and other industries where precise control of fluid flow is required. They are preferred over other types of valves because they offer accurate and reliable control, are easy to operate and maintain, and can be used in a wide range of applications.
Uvjerenja Farpro ventila
Vjerujemo da su ozbiljno tretiranje svakog proizvoda i iskreno primanje svakog kupca najvažnije stvari za Farpro Valve.
Naši kuglasti ventili nemaju nužno najnižu cijenu, ali svakako ćemo biti najpošteniji proizvođač i vaš najvjerniji partner.
O Farpro proizvođaču ventila
Farpro Valve veliki je svjetski proizvođač ventila koji se bavi istraživanjem, razvoj, proizvodnja i prodaja ventila.
Naši standardi proizvoda uključuju: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, IZ, ON, GOST, NF, itd.
Naše ball type valves dostupni su u 12 glavne kategorije, 200 serije i 4000 veličine, uključujući zasune, kuglasti ventili, kuglasti ventili, leptir ventili, povratni ventili, membranski ventili, ventili za smanjenje tlaka, čep ventili, zamke, itd.
Godišnja proizvodnja doseže 80,000 tona. Svi proizvodi imaju široku primjenu u nafti, petrokemijski, kemijski, električna energija, metalurgija, očuvanje vode, konstrukcija, farmaceutski, odvodnje i dr. polja.
Naši proizvodi dobro se prodaju na tržištima Njemačke, Engleska, Francuska, Italija, Brazil, Poljska i više od 30 zemljama i regijama u Europi, Srednja Azija, Zapadna Azija, itd.