The structure of the buried fully welded ball valve is better crafted, jednostavan za postavljanje dijela stabljike, especially suitable for large diameter fully welded ball valves.
Two bodies are suitable for small bore fully welded ball valves, three bodies are suitable for large bore fully welded ball valves.

Ukopani potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventili
Materijal: cast steel ASTM
Nazivni promjer DN: 50-1400mm
Feature: The manufacturing process of the cartridge valve body structure is simpler and facilitates assembly positioning. The tooling required for the manufacture of the blanks is simple and it is convenient to use support plates to fix the ball.
Why choose Farpro buried fully welded ball valve?

Design For Buried Used Welded Ball Valve
Ball valve for buried conditions of the valve, set the valve extension pole, maintenance with extension pipe (both sides of the channel exhaust pipe + both sides of the valve seat grease tube + valve body bottom drainage pipe) and control valve, so that the valve operating position to the ground in a convenient location for operation.
Valve surface corrosion-resistant asphalt coating protection or epoxy resin protection, on-site pipeline cross-connection and resistance protection measures to adapt to the underground use environment.
Operating Precautions of Buried welded ball valve
1. Remove the protective cover at both ends and check whether the valve hole is faulty and clean. If there is foreign matter clean it up to avoid foreign matter between the groove and the ball to damage the sealing surface of the valve seat.
2. Try to open and close the ball valve several times to confirm whether the ball valve can work properly.
3. Between installing the ball valve to the pipeline, the welded surface of the pipe should be wiped clean. When installing the ball valve, it is not necessary to pay special attention to the installation direction of the ball valve.
4. Open the ball valve to be welded to avoid welding slag entering the valve during the welding process.
5. When installing horizontally, the valve must be fully open to avoid welding sparks from injuring the ball surface. When installed on a vertical guestway, the valve must be safely open if welding the upper interface; if welding the lower interface, the valve must be completely closed to avoid high heat burns inside the valve.
6. After welding is completed, wait for the valve to cool completely before operating the valve on and off.
7. When installing the turbo vortex actuator (valve size DN200 and above or special customization), first adjust the actuator switching position according to the valve switching position with reference to the arrow indication direction (shut off, open on), so that the arrow indication switching direction of the actuator is consistent with the valve switching position. Dock the actuator with the standard flange of the valve body correctly and adjust the position of the limit bolt appropriately so that the valve can be completely closed and opened, which can refer to the arrow indicating direction.
High Pressure Welded Ball Valve Application
- Gradski plin: Izlazni plinovod, glavni vod i svaki ogranak dovodnog cjevovoda, itd.
- Centralno grijanje: Izlazni cjevovodi velike opreme za grijanje, magistralne linije, i odvojci.
- Izmjenjivač topline: Vipeline i otvaranje i zatvaranje kruga.
- Čeličane: Razni cjevovodi za tekućine, cjevovodi za ispuštanje ispušnih plinova, cjevovodi za opskrbu plinom i toplinom, cjevovodi za dovod goriva.
- Razni industrijski objekti: Razni cjevovodi za toplinsku obradu, razni industrijski plinovodi i toplinski cjevovodi.
Uvjerenja Farpro ventila
Vjerujemo da su ozbiljno tretiranje svakog proizvoda i iskreno primanje svakog kupca najvažnije stvari za Farpro Valve.
Naše zavareni kuglasti ventili nemaju nužno najnižu cijenu, ali svakako ćemo biti najpošteniji proizvođač i vaš najvjerniji partner.
Farpro Valve je svjetski priznati proizvođač specijaliziran za proizvodnju i distribuciju visokokvalitetnih ventila. S godinama iskustva u istraživanju, razvoj, proizvodnja, i prodaja ventila, postali smo jedan od najvećih proizvođača ventila u industriji.
Nudimo širok raspon proizvoda ventila koji zadovoljavaju međunarodne standarde kao što je GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, IZ, ON, GOST, NF, između ostalih. Naši proizvodi dostupni su u 12 glavne kategorije, 200 niz, i 4000 veličine, uključujući zasune, kuglasti ventili, kuglasti ventili, leptir ventili, povratni ventili, membranski ventili, ventili za smanjenje tlaka, čep ventili, i zamke, između ostalih.
Naša godišnja proizvodnja od 80,000 tona dokaz je naše predanosti ispunjavanju sve većih zahtjeva naših klijenata. Naši ventili imaju široku primjenu u raznim industrijama kao što je naftna, petrokemijski, kemijski, električna energija, metalurgija, očuvanje vode, konstrukcija, farmaceutski, drenaža, i još mnogo toga.
U Farpro Valveu, ponosimo se svojom sposobnošću da isporučimo proizvode visoke kvalitete koji zadovoljavaju različite potrebe naših klijenata. Naši se proizvodi prodaju u raznim regijama, uključujući Njemačku, Engleska, Francuska, Italija, Brazil, Poljska, I gotovo 30 drugim zemljama i regijama u Europi, Srednja Azija, Zapadna Azija, i dalje.