The visokotlačni potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventil series are fully welded forged valves that are particularly suitable for the gas transportation and storage industry.
We have designed our fully welded ball valves to be separate from the bolts that traditionally connect the body to avoid potential leakage in hazardous connections.
U Dodatku, the valves are made of forged steel. The same particle size and uniform thickness prevent shrinkage and other inherent imperfections in the valve. The biggest advantage of all welded ball valves is zero leakage.

Visokotlačni potpuno zavareni kuglasti ventil
Materijal: Cast Steel ASTM A105 / A350 Lf2 / A183 F316
Nazivni promjer DN: 150-1500mm
Draining: When the valve cavity is drained in operation, the valve medium is also drained at the same time, and the pressure value is tested directly through the drain hole.
Why choose Farpro high pressure fully welded ball valve?

Sjedalo i brtvljenje
The high pressure ball valve is constructed with a base seal and incorporates a metal base ring soft seal material (embedded PTFE). We designed it in a modular barb configuration to ensure the effectiveness of the valve opening and closing during the process of being closed.
To ensure a perfect seal, a spring-preloaded sealing seat is used as the initial sealing pressure to ensure effective closure at the downstream end of the pipe. S druge strane, the media particles are injected with the help of zero-sealing action, using the Teflon metal seal as the primary seal and the metal-to-metal seal as the secondary seal. Such a structure is capable of responding to various emergencies.
with the Ball Bearing Shaft
The ball bearing adopts two upper and lower plate type structure, when the valve opens and closes such a stem rotation structure can only dilute the torsional force rather than bending stress and small torque. This structure greatly extends the service life of the valve.

Welded ball valve DBB design features
In accordance with DBB standards, the product is designed to obtain a double barrier and leakage as well as a cavity in the automatic pressure relief structure.
In the discharge valve cavity, the upstream/downstream base will be automatically shut off at the same time to ensure the safety of drainage.
Versatile Operation Design of Welded Ball Valve
The valves are designed to be fitted with electric, pneumatski, hydraulic, gas-hydraulic interaction and other devices and ensure automatic operation. Remote pipelines can be used for satellite monitoring systems.
When the pressure drop or duration of the pipeline reaches - a certain range, the remote emergency valve will be closed with an opening and closing time of 0.05 to 1s.

Underground High Pressure Welded Ball Valve
The all-welded body structure of the valve stem can be extended, so the valve can be installed underground.
As the whole structure of the welded main body of the high-pressure underground welded ball valve has cathode tube and outer surface corrosion resistance, it can effectively prevent corrosion and stress corrosion from occurring.
High Pressure Welded Ball Valve Application
- Gradski plin: Izlazni plinovod, glavni vod i svaki ogranak dovodnog cjevovoda, itd.
- Centralno grijanje: Izlazni cjevovodi velike opreme za grijanje, magistralne linije, i odvojci.
- Izmjenjivač topline: Vipeline i otvaranje i zatvaranje kruga.
- Čeličane: Razni cjevovodi za tekućine, cjevovodi za ispuštanje ispušnih plinova, cjevovodi za opskrbu plinom i toplinom, cjevovodi za dovod goriva.
- Razni industrijski objekti: Razni cjevovodi za toplinsku obradu, razni industrijski plinovodi i toplinski cjevovodi.
Uvjerenja Farpro ventila
Vjerujemo da su ozbiljno tretiranje svakog proizvoda i iskreno primanje svakog kupca najvažnije stvari za Farpro Valve.
Naše zavareni kuglasti ventili nemaju nužno najnižu cijenu, ali svakako ćemo biti najpošteniji proizvođač i vaš najvjerniji partner.
Farpro Valve je svjetski priznati proizvođač specijaliziran za proizvodnju i distribuciju visokokvalitetnih ventila. S godinama iskustva u istraživanju, razvoj, proizvodnja, i prodaja ventila, postali smo jedan od najvećih proizvođača ventila u industriji.
Nudimo širok raspon proizvoda ventila koji zadovoljavaju međunarodne standarde kao što je GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, IZ, ON, GOST, NF, između ostalih. Naši proizvodi dostupni su u 12 glavne kategorije, 200 niz, i 4000 veličine, uključujući zasune, kuglasti ventili, kuglasti ventili, leptir ventili, povratni ventili, membranski ventili, ventili za smanjenje tlaka, čep ventili, i zamke, između ostalih.
Naša godišnja proizvodnja od 80,000 tona dokaz je naše predanosti ispunjavanju sve većih zahtjeva naših klijenata. Naši ventili imaju široku primjenu u raznim industrijama kao što je naftna, petrokemijski, kemijski, električna energija, metalurgija, očuvanje vode, konstrukcija, farmaceutski, drenaža, i još mnogo toga.
U Farpro Valveu, ponosimo se svojom sposobnošću da isporučimo proizvode visoke kvalitete koji zadovoljavaju različite potrebe naših klijenata. Naši se proizvodi prodaju u raznim regijama, uključujući Njemačku, Engleska, Francuska, Italija, Brazil, Poljska, I gotovo 30 drugim zemljama i regijama u Europi, Srednja Azija, Zapadna Azija, i dalje.