Farpro's nožasti zasuni are an excellent choice for industries that require efficient handling of difficult-to-control fluids such as slurry, powder, granules, and fibers. These valves use a sharp-edged blade to cut through the material and are commonly used in industries such as paper making, petrokemijski, rudarstvo, drenaža, and food manufacturing.
Farpro knife gate valves come in various valve seat materials such as rubber, PTFE, and metal, ensuring they are suitable for different applications. They can also be equipped with electric or pneumatic actuators based on site control requirements, making them ideal for automated valve operations.
Knife Gate Valve Material | Standard | Aktivirani način rada | Metoda brtvljenja | Primjene i upotrebe |
lijevano željezo, lijevanog čelika, ne hrđajući Čelik | API, IZ, ON, KS, U, BS, EAC, NF | ručna operacija, električni pokretač, aktiviran vodom/zrakom/uljem | Tvrda brtva, meka brtva, jednostrana brtva, dvostrani pečat, itd. | oplemenjivanje ugljena, ispuštanje jalovine i troske u rudnicima i elektranama, pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u gradovima, industrijski cjevovodi, profesionalni sustavi cjevovoda za hranu, sanitacija, lijek, itd. |
Advantages of Knife Gate Valves
- Dobre performanse brtvljenja: Knife gate valves have a unique design that provides excellent sealing performance, preventing fluid from leaking through the valve.
- Visok kapacitet protoka: The full bore design of knife gate valves allows for high flow rates, making them suitable for handling fluids with high solids content, such as slurry or wastewater.
- Low pressure drop: The streamlined design of the knife gate valve ensures minimal pressure drop across the valve, allowing for efficient fluid flow and reducing energy consumption.
- Otpornost na koroziju: Knife gate valves are made of materials that are highly resistant to corrosion, making them suitable for use in harsh environments.
- Jednostavno održavanje: Knife gate valves are simple in design and easy to maintain, with minimal parts that need to be replaced.
- Isplativ: Knife gate valves are generally more cost-effective than other types of valves, making them a popular choice for a variety of applications.
Ukratko, if your industry requires efficient handling of difficult-to-control fluids, a Farpro knife gate valve is the perfect choice. With its excellent shearing effect, various valve seat options, and optional electric or pneumatic actuators, it can help improve your industry’s productivity and performance.
Types of Knife Gate Valves

Nožasti ventil od lijevanog čelika – Z73
Knife gate valve cast steel Z73 is widely used in all kinds of water supply and drainage, konstrukcija, nafta, kemijski,
Uvjerenja Farpro ventila

Vjerujemo da su ozbiljno tretiranje svakog proizvoda i iskreno primanje svakog kupca najvažnije stvari za Farpro Valve.
Naše industrial gate valves nemaju nužno najnižu cijenu, ali svakako ćemo biti najpošteniji proizvođač i vaš najvjerniji partner.

Farpro Valve veliki je svjetski proizvođač ventila koji se bavi istraživanjem, razvoj, proizvodnja i prodaja ventila.
Naši standardi proizvoda uključuju: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, IZ, ON, GOST, NF, itd.
Naši ventili dostupni su u 12 glavne kategorije, 200 serije i 4000 veličine, uključujući zasune, kuglasti ventili, kuglasti ventili, leptir ventili, povratni ventili, membranski ventili, ventili za smanjenje tlaka, čep ventili, zamke, itd.
Godišnja proizvodnja doseže 80,000 tona. Svi proizvodi imaju široku primjenu u nafti, petrokemijski, kemijski, električna energija, metalurgija, očuvanje vode, konstrukcija, farmaceutski, odvodnje i dr. polja.
Naši proizvodi dobro se prodaju na tržištima Njemačke, Engleska, Francuska, Italija, Brazil, Poljska i više od 30 zemljama i regijama u Europi, Srednja Azija, Zapadna Azija, itd.