Kuglasti ventil V priključka je vrsta kuglastog ventila, njegov završni član je polukugla s otvorom u obliku slova V. otvor u obliku slova V ima oštar rub, u procesu rotacije lopte, postoji učinak brisanja između člana za zatvaranje, ima snažnu silu odsijecanja medija.
kuglasti ventil
Unlock the potential of your operations with our comprehensive range of ball valve solutions.
Leptir ventili, Kuglasti ventili 2023 Analiza tržišnog natjecanja
S razvojem tržišta u 2023, sve je veća potražnja kupaca za velikim leptirastim i kuglastim ventilima. Kupci zahtijevaju proizvode više kvalitete i zahtjeve za višim troškovima.
The global ball valve market is expected to reach USD 16.2 billion by 2027
Stainless steel ball valve segment to hold a large market share by 2022. Stainless steel ball valves are highly corrosion resistant and robust, making them suitable for numerous applications in different industries, including food & pića, kemikalije, farmaceutski proizvodi, metals, and mining.
Introduction of UPVC Ball Valves
UPVC ball valve is simple in structure and consists of only a few parts.
Ball valve material consumption less, mala veličina, mala težina, small installation size, small driving torque, pressure regulating valve, jednostavan za rukovanje.
This commonly used ball valve only needs to rotate 90 degrees to open and close quickly. And also has a good flow regulation effect and closed sealing characteristics.