tekst za fugitivne emisije

Kineski nacionalni standard “Ispitivanje industrijskih ventila na fugitivne emisije” uskoro će se implementirati

U prosincu 30, 2022, kineski nacionalni standard “Ispitivanje industrijskih ventila na fugitivne emisije” drafted by Farpro valve manufacturers and other 45 companies was officially released and will be officially implemented from July 1, 2023. The standard is modified toPročitaj više

automated production of farpro valve

Utjecaj velike ere automatizirane proizvodnje na industriju ventila

Automated production will eventually eliminate manpower, as is the case with valves, and other production industries. We will eventually free our hands.

This is actually a good thing in the long run, and there may be worker unemployment in the short term. But in the long run, efficient production capacity will lead to higher social output and building capacity. Thus allowing everyone to be more productive with less work.

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