Butterfly valves are quarter-turn valves that use a disc-shaped element to regulate flow. The disc is perpendicular to the direction of flow when closed and parallel when open, and can be operated by a lever, handwheel, pneumatic actuator, or electric actuator.
These valves find application in chemical processing, étel és ital, gyógyszerészeti, vízkezelés, and HVAC industries, többek között.
Farpro Valve manufacturers provide a wide range of general-purpose and specialty butterfly valves to numerous industries and businesses. We prioritize the best quality of butterfly valve products while keeping sales prices as low as possible.

A pillangószelep típusai

Lug pillangószelep
Lug-type butterfly valves are a popular choice for many applications due to their unique design and versatility. As mentioned, they

Wafer Butterfly visszacsapó szelep – DH77X
DH77X wafer butterfly check valve is a type of valve that allows fluid to flow in one direction and prevents

Fire Monitoring Wafer Butterfly Valve – ZSXDF7
ZSXDF7 fire monitoring wafer butterfly valve keeps the valve normally open or closed, and can also instantly monitor the valve’s

Dismantling Flanged Butterfly Valve – SD342/343
SD342/343 dismantling flanged butterfly valve is mainly used in water plants, erőművek, water diversion projects and other media for

Electric Wafer Butterfly Valve – D971X
D971X Electric wafer butterfly valves are a type of industrial valve that use an electric actuator to control the flow

Pneumatic Wafer Butterfly Valve – D671X
D671X pneumatic wafer butterfly valves are a type of control valve used in various industries for regulating the flow of

Manual Wafer Butterfly Valve – D71X
D71X manual wafer butterfly valve is widely used in various pipelines of water supply and drainage, construction and fire-fighting systems,

Hand Wheel Wafer Butterfly Valve – D371X
D371X handwheel wafer butterfly valve is mainly used as a shut-off valve. It consists of a circular disc or plate

Flanged Butterfly Valve Lined NBR EPDM – D341X
D341X Flanged Butterfly Valve Lined NBR EPDM is a type of butterfly valve that has a flanged connection and a

Dupla eltolású pillangószelep – D942X
D942X double offset butterfly valve has two offsets – one in the shaft and the other in the disc. A

Vezérlőáramú karimás pillangószelep TL941X
TL941X control flow butterfly valve is mainly used in water plants, erőművek, water diversion projects and other media for

Control Flanged Butterfly Valve – GL41H
GL41H control flanged butterfly valve has the functions of preventing backflow, starting the pump with light load, reducing water hammer,

Electric Triple Offset Butterfly Valve – D943
D943/973 electric triple offset butterfly valves are high-performance valves that are designed for critical applications in various industries. Ezek a szelepek

Triple Offset Wafer Butterfly Valve Cast Steel – D43 73
D43/73 Triple offset wafer butterfly valves are a type of butterfly valve that have a unique design and construction compared

Triple Offset Butterfly Valve Stainless Steel – D943
D943 Triple offset butterfly valves are designed to achieve zero leakage in high-pressure and high-temperature applications, making them ideal for

Flanged Eccentric Butterfly Valve – XDF342
XDF342 flanged eccentric butterfly valve is a type of valve that uses a disc as a closure element. The disc
General Types of Butterfly Valve Construction

- Szeleptest: The body of a butterfly valve is a circular or oval tube containing the valve disc and seat. The valve body can be made of various materials, such as cast iron, gömbgrafitos vas, szénacél, rozsdamentes acél, és műanyag.
- Valve Disc: The valve disc of a butterfly valve is attached to the stem and rotates around the stem to control flow. The disc can be made of various materials such as cast iron, rozsdamentes acél, aluminum, és műanyag. The shape of the disc can be round, oval, or even rectangular.
- Származik: The stem of a butterfly valve connects the disc to the actuator. It transmits the torque from the actuator to the disc, causing it to rotate. The stem can come in different lengths and materials, mint például a rozsdamentes acél, szénacél, or aluminum.
- Valve Seat: The seat of a butterfly valve is a ring-shaped element mounted inside the valve body. It provides a sealing surface for the valve flap to close. The seat can be made of various materials, such as rubber, PTFE, metal, or graphite.
- Actuator: The actuator of a butterfly valve is responsible for controlling the rotation of the butterfly blade. The actuator can be manual, pneumatic, or electric. Manual actuators use a lever or handwheel to operate the valve. Pneumatic actuators use compressed air to rotate the disc, while electric actuators use an electric motor to drive the valve.
Classified by Actuation Method

Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve
The electric actuated is a modern, versatile method of driving butterfly valves. It involves an electric motor that rotates the valve disc through a series of gears or a direct drive mechanism.
The electric drive allows precise control of the valve position and can be operated remotely using a control panel or computer.
It is typically used in applications that require frequent adjustments, such as water treatment and HVAC systems.

Pneumatic Butterfly Valves
Pneumatic actuation is a method of actuation for butterfly valves that involves the use of compressed air to rotate the valve disc.
It is typically used in industrial applications that require high torque and precise control, such as the chemical processing and oil and gas industries.

Manual Butterfly Valves
Manual actuation is the most basic method of actuation for butterfly valves. It involves a lever or handwheel that is rotated manually to open or close the valve.
It is simple, reliable, and cost-effective, making it the best choice for small-scale applications that do not require frequent adjustments. Manual actuation is often used in residential and commercial buildings, where butterfly valves are used for water control.

Geared Butterfly Valves
Gear actuation is a popular method of butterfly valve actuation. It involves a gearbox that is connected to the valve stem and rotates the disc.
The gear drive provides precise control of the valve position and allows for a higher torque output than a manual drive.
It is typically used in industrial applications that require high torque and precise control, such as the chemical processing and oil and gas industries.
The Most Important Applications and Uses of Butterfly Valves
Butterfly valves are a type of flow control device that is widely used in various industries. They are versatile, reliable, and cost-effective, making them an excellent choice for a variety of applications. In this article, we will explore the applications of butterfly valves in different industries and how they are used to improve processes and increase efficiency.

Vízkezelési projekt
Many types of butterfly valves are commonly used in the water treatment industry to regulate the flow of water. They are used in water treatment plants to control the flow of water in and out of the plant, as well as to regulate the flow of water through various treatment processes. Butterfly valves are also used in the distribution of treated water, regulating the flow of water through pipes to different areas.

Áramtermelő ipar
A Farpro úgy véli, hogy az erőművi alkalmazások óriási igénybevételnek teszik ki a csöveket és a szelepeket, így a szelepeknek robusztus anyagokra és kialakításokra van szükségük a keringés többszörös vizsgálatának kezelésére, hőmérséklet és nyomás.
Butterfly valves are widely used in the power generation industry to regulate the flow of fluids, such as water and steam. They are used in various applications, such as cooling water systems, fuel systems, and boiler feedwater systems. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of fluids, ensuring that the products are delivered safely and efficiently.
A fő gőzszelepeken kívül, az erőműveknek sok segédvezetéke van. Ezek a kiegészítő csővezetékek sokféle gömbszelepből állnak, pillangószelepek, ellenőrizd a szelepeket, golyóscsapok, és tolózárak.

Kohászati / Acélgyártók
A FARPRO kapuszelepeket széles körben használják a fémkohászati vas- és acélépítésben a nyersanyag -etetési rendszerben, adagoló rendszer, vaskészítő szénbefecskendező rendszer.
Jelenleg, A fémkohászati acélgyártók közös kapuszelepei főként késkapuszelepek, pneumatikus kapuszelepek, pillangószelepek, golyóscsapok, stb.

Pulp And Paper Suppliers
A papírgyártási folyamat két részre oszlik: pépzés és papírgyártás. A folyamat során előállított szennyvíz, A kezelés után, hogy megfeleljen a vonatkozó nemzeti kibocsátási előírásoknak, nélkülözhetetlenek a különféle szelepek részvételéhez, beleértve a tolózárakat is.
According to Farpro's years of valve experience, A papírgyártóban tapasztalt fő média a: iszap, gőz, víz, szennyvíz és fekete likőr és más ilyen média. A termelési közeg vezérlőszelepeit nem kell kifejezetten figyelembe venni a magas hőmérsékleten, nagynyomású, erős korrózió, robbanásbiztos és egyéb tényezők.
Butterfly valves are widely used in the pulp and paper industry to regulate the flow of fluids, such as pulp and chemicals. They are used in various applications, such as stock preparation systems, bleach plant systems, and coating systems. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of fluids, ensuring that the products are delivered safely and efficiently.

Vegyi feldolgozás
Some types of butterfly valves are commonly used in the chemical industry due to their ability to handle corrosive fluids. They are used to control the flow of chemicals through pipes and tanks, allowing for precise control over the process. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of chemicals, regulating the flow of fluids through tankers and pipelines.

Oil & Gas / Tengeri Ipar
Various types of butterfly valves are widely used in the oil and gas industry to regulate the flow of crude oil, földgáz, and other fluids. They are used in pipelines and tankers to control the flow of fluids, as well as in refineries to regulate the flow of fluids through various processing stages.
A Farpro arra a következtetésre jutott, globális eladások és adatok alapján, hogy a globális olaj- és gázkitermelő iparban és a szállítóiparban a szelepek iránti kereslet tovább növekszik. Ez a kereslet az olaj- és gázipar mélyebb fúróvezetékek és alacsonyabb termelési költségek iránti törekvéséhez vezetett., ezért a technikusok nagyobb gondot fordítanak a minőségi szelepberendezések és hardverek kiválasztására.
Felfelé irányuló, A szelepeket az olaj áramlásának szabályozására használják, a nagynyomású injekciós rendszerektől a fojtószelepek megelőzéséig.
Lefelé, A Farpro további kihívásokat lát a nyersolaj finomítási folyamatában. A piac növekvő szegmentálása számos csúcstechnikai igényt nyújt a petrolkémiai ipar számára, Ezért van szükség nagy pontosságra, Kiváló minőségű szeleptermelés és kialakítás.

Butterfly valves are commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry to control the flow of fluids during the production of medications. They are used to regulate the flow of fluids through various processing stages, such as filtration, mixing, and filling. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of fluids, ensuring that the products are delivered safely and efficiently.
- Vietnam Shenglong 2*300MW hőerőmű projekt
- Thailang TPI PP 150MW erőmű projekt
- Banglades Hiraganjie 225MW kombinált ciklusú erőmű projekt
- Dél-afrikai Tubatse bánya termikus kemence hulladékhőenergia-termelési projektje
- Korla 2*350MW Kogenerációs Projekt
- Olese Vízierőmű Kambodzsa
Oil&Gas / Petrolkémiai beszállítók
- Baofeng Energy Group
- Kínai kőolajmérnöki építés
- A SABIC Corporation Indonézia földgázprojektje
- Geofizikai kutatási projekt Szaúd-Arábiában
- Kazahsztán Kolzhan kutatási projekt
- Ghána TEMA Tank Project Fire Valve vásárlás
Városépítő beszállítók
- Lengyelország Krakkó vízszállítási projekt
- Üzbegisztán Tusterrick szivattyúállomás projekt
- Pakisztán SK projekt
- Angola Nova Ciamangola 5000TPD projekt, stb.
Farpro Valve hiedelmek
Hiszünk abban, hogy a Farpro Valve számára a legfontosabb az egyes termékek komoly kezelése és az ügyfelek őszinte fogadása.
Our types of butterfly valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, de mindenképpen mi leszünk a legbecsületesebb gyártó és a leghűségesebb partnere.
Farpro Valve is a leading global valve manufacturer that specializes in the research, fejlesztés, Termelés, and sales of high-quality valves. Our products conform to various industry standards, including GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, TÓL TŐL, Ő, GOST, NF, többek között.
We offer a diverse range of valves in 12 főbb kategóriák, 200 sorozat, és 4000 méretek, beleértve tolózárak, gömbszelepek, golyóscsapok, pillangószelepek, ellenőrizd a szelepeket, nyomáscsökkentő szelepek, dugós szelepek, csapdák, expansion joint pipes, és több. Éves termelésünk 80,000 tons ensures that we can meet the demands of our customers from various industries such as petroleum, petrolkémiai, kémiai, elektromos energia, kohászat, vízvédelem, Építkezés, gyógyszerészeti, vízelvezetés, and others.
Our products are well-received in the markets of Germany, Anglia, Franciaország, Olaszország, Brazília, Lengyelország, és vége 30 európai országokban és régiókban, Közép-Ázsia, Nyugat-Ázsia, és több. We strive to provide our customers with the highest quality products at competitive prices and excellent service.
- What types of Farpro butterfly valves are available?
: Farpro offers a variety of butterfly valves, including wafer butterfly valves, lug butterfly valves, double offset butterfly valves, triple offset butterfly valves, és több. These valves are available in a range of materials, including cast iron, öntött acél, and stainless steel.
- What is the difference between a lug butterfly valve and a wafer butterfly valve?
: The main difference between a lug butterfly valve and a wafer butterfly valve is the way they are installed. A lug butterfly valve has threaded holes on each side of the valve body, which allows it to be bolted directly to the piping system. A wafer butterfly valve, másrészt, is designed to fit between two flanges in the piping system, and is held in place with bolts that go through the flanges and the valve body.
- How do I choose the right Farpro butterfly valve for my application?
: When choosing a Farpro butterfly valve, there are several factors to consider, including the type of media being controlled, the operating temperature and pressure, the size of the pipe, and the required flow rate. It is important to consult with a qualified valve expert to ensure that you choose the right valve for your specific application.