Triple offset butterfly valves have three offsets – egy a szárban, egy a lemezen, and one in the seat.
The triple offset design provides a metal-to-metal seal between the valve seat and disc, ensuring zero leakage and preventing erosion of the seat.
Triple offset butterfly valves are designed to handle high-pressure and high-temperature applications where tight shutoff is required. This makes them suitable for use in demanding industries such as oil and gas, petrolkémiai, energiatermelés, és több.
Farpro Valve offers a range of triple offset butterfly valves that are designed to meet the needs of various industries, ensuring that customers get the best possible value for their money.
Types of Triple Offset Butterfly Valves

Triple Offset Butterfly Valve Stainless Steel – D943
D943 Triple offset butterfly valves are designed to achieve zero leakage in high-pressure and high-temperature applications, making them ideal for

Triple Offset Wafer Butterfly Valve Cast Steel – D43 73
D43/73 Triple offset wafer butterfly valves are a type of butterfly valve that have a unique design and construction compared

Electric Triple Offset Butterfly Valve – D943
D943/973 electric triple offset butterfly valves are high-performance valves that are designed for critical applications in various industries. Ezek a szelepek
The Advantages of Triple Offset Butterfly Valves Over Traditional Designs
Tight sealing capabilities: One of the most significant advantages of triple offset butterfly valves is their tight sealing capabilities. This is due to the triple offset design, which provides a seal that is highly resilient to wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting durability. Unlike traditional pillangószelepek, which tend to wear out over time, triple offset butterfly valves remain reliable, even in high-pressure, high-temperature applications.
High-temperature capabilities: Triple offset butterfly valves can withstand high temperatures, making them suitable for use in demanding industrial applications. The valves are designed to handle temperatures up to 1000°F, allowing them to operate effectively in hot environments without experiencing failure.
High-pressure capabilities: Another significant advantage of triple offset butterfly valves is their ability to withstand high pressure. The valves are designed to handle pressure up to 1500 psi, making them ideal for use in applications where high-pressure fluids are present.
Improved flow control: Triple offset butterfly valves have a unique design that enables them to control fluid flow more accurately. This is due to the disc’s position in the valve, which ensures that it provides a uniform sealing force across the valve seat. Ennek eredményeként, triple offset butterfly valves offer improved flow control over traditional butterfly valves.
Farpro Valve hiedelmek
As an experienced industrial valve manufacturer, Farpro Valve values quality and customer satisfaction above all else. We believe that every product we produce should meet the highest standards of excellence and reliability.
While we may not always offer the lowest prices, we are committed to being the most honest and trustworthy partner for our customers. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized solutions and exceptional service to ensure that your unique needs are met.
When you choose Farpro Valve, you can be confident that you are partnering with a company that is committed to your success. We strive to build long-lasting relationships with our customers based on trust, quality, and mutual respect.
A Farpro Valve egy nagy globális szelepgyártó, amely részt vesz a kutatásban, fejlesztés, szelepek gyártása és értékesítése.
Termékszabványaink közé tartozik: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, TÓL TŐL, Ő, GOST, NF, stb.
Szelepeink elérhetők 12 főbb kategóriák, 200 sorozat és 4000 méretek, beleértve a tolózárakat is, gömbszelepek, golyóscsapok, pillangószelepek, ellenőrizd a szelepeket, membránszelepek, nyomáscsökkentő szelepek, dugós szelepek, csapdák, stb.
Az éves kibocsátás eléri 80,000 tonna. Az összes terméket széles körben használják a kőolajiparban, petrolkémiai, kémiai, elektromos energia, kohászat, vízvédelem, Építkezés, gyógyszerészeti, vízelvezetés és egyéb mezők.
Termékeink jól fogynak Németország piacain, Anglia, Franciaország, Olaszország, Brazília, Lengyelország és több mint 30 európai országokban és régiókban, Közép-Ázsia, Nyugat-Ázsia, stb.