Katup Bola Listrik – Q941F

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Farpro Valve offers Q41F electric ball valves in both stainless steel and cast steel materials. These valves are designed to be actuated by an electric motor, providing a reliable and efficient solution for automated control of fluid flow.

Electric ball valves offer several advantages over manual valves, including faster response times, greater precision in controlling flow rates, and the ability to be remotely controlled. They are commonly used in industrial applications where precise control and automation are important, misalnya dalam proses kimia, pengolahan air, and oil and gas production.

katup bola listrik stainless steel

Q941F Electric Ball Valve - Besi tahan karat

Tubuh: CF8
Bahan Bola: F304
Kap Katup Gerbang: ASTM A351/A 351M CF8
Tangkai: F304
seat: Q235
Seal & Lined: PTFE
Diameter Nominal DN: 40-200mm

FOB Price of Q941F Electric Ball Valve - Stainless Steel 16P/25P

  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN40, inci 1.5" $370
  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN50, inci 2" $398
  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN65, inci 2.5" $471
  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN80, inci 3" $537
  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN100, inci 4" $774
  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN125, inci 5" $936
  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN150, inci 6" $1168
  • Q941F, CF8, F304, DN200, inci 8" $1676
q941f electric ball valve

Q941F Electric Ball Valve - Cast Steel 16C 25

Tubuh: WCB
Bahan Bola: 201
Kap Katup Gerbang: WCB
Tangkai: 2cr13
seat: PTFE
Diameter Nominal DN: 40-250mm

FOB Price of Q941F Electric Ball Valve - Cast Steel 16C 25

  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN40, inci 1.5" $330
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN50, inci 2" $349
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN65, inci 2.5" $400
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN80, inci 3" $443
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN100, inci 4" $662
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN125, inci 5" $788
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN150, inci 6" $970
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN200, inci 8" $1400
  • Q941F, WCB, 201, DN250, inci 10" $1916

Stainless steel electric ball valves are preferred in applications where corrosion resistance and hygienic standards are critical, such as in food and beverage processing or pharmaceutical production. Cast steel electric ball valves are typically used in applications where high temperatures and pressures are involved, such as in steam or gas pipelines.

Electric Ball Valve ModelTekanan nominal (Ayah)Uji Kekuatan Tekanan(Ayah)Uji Segel Tekanan(Ayah)SuhuRentang penggunaan
Q941F-16P1.62.41.8-29~150℃air, gas, minyak, Asam sendawa, dll..
Q941F-16C1.62.41.8-29~150℃air, gas, minyak, Asam sendawa, dll..
Q941F-℃air, gas, minyak, Asam sendawa, dll..

Application of electric ball valve

mitra dan aplikasi

Electric ball valves have a wide range of applications in various industries, termasuk minyak dan gas, bahan kimia, water and wastewater treatment, dan sistem HVAC. They are commonly used to control the flow of liquids and gases in pipelines, tanks, and other industrial equipment.

  • Di industri minyak dan gas: electric ball valves are often used in pipelines to control the flow of crude oil, gas alam, and other hydrocarbons. They are also used in refineries to control the flow of various fluids throughout the refining process.
  • Di industri kimia: electric ball valves are used to control the flow of various chemicals and solvents in production processes. They are also used in water and wastewater treatment plants to control the flow of water and chemicals during treatment processes.
  • In HVAC systems: electric ball valves are used to control the flow of water and air in heating and cooling systems. They are also used in building automation systems to control various processes such as lighting, security, dan HVAC.

Keyakinan Katup Farpro

Kami percaya bahwa memperlakukan setiap produk dengan serius dan menerima setiap pelanggan dengan tulus adalah hal terpenting bagi Farpro Valve.

Kita katup bola listrik belum tentu memiliki harga terendah, tapi kami pasti akan menjadi produsen paling jujur ​​dan mitra paling setia Anda.

Farpro Valve adalah produsen yang diakui secara global yang berspesialisasi dalam produksi dan distribusi katup berkualitas tinggi. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam penelitian, perkembangan, produksi, dan penjualan katup, kami telah menjadi salah satu produsen katup paling tepercaya di industri.

Kami menawarkan berbagai macam produk katup yang memenuhi standar internasional seperti GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, DARI, DIA, gost, tidak, diantara yang lain. Produk kami tersedia di 12 kategori utama, 200 seri, Dan 4000 ukuran, termasuk katup gerbang, katup globe, katup bola, Katup kupu-kupu, katup periksa, katup diafragma, katup pengurang tekanan, katup sumbat, dan perangkap, diantara yang lain.

Hasil tahunan kami sebesar 80,000 ton merupakan bukti komitmen kami untuk memenuhi permintaan klien kami yang terus meningkat. Valve kami banyak digunakan di berbagai industri seperti perminyakan, petrokimia, bahan kimia, tenaga listrik, metalurgi, pemeliharaan air, konstruksi, farmasi, drainase, dan masih banyak lagi.

Di Farpro Valve, kami bangga dengan kemampuan kami untuk memberikan produk berkualitas tinggi yang memenuhi beragam kebutuhan klien kami. Produk kami dijual di berbagai daerah, termasuk Jerman, Inggris, Perancis, Italia, Brazil, Polandia, dan berakhir 30 negara dan wilayah lain di Eropa, Asia Tengah, Asia Barat, dan seterusnya.

    Terima kasih telah mempertimbangkan Farpro Valve sebagai mitra pilihan Anda.