Itu wafer check valve is a type of check valve that has a thin and structurally stable design, making it versatile for a wide range of applications. It is commonly used in industries such as chemical, manufaktur metalurgi, farmasi, perlindungan lingkungan, pembuatan kertas, pertambangan, konstruksi perkotaan, household pipeline, and many others.
Wafer check valves have a compact and lightweight design that makes them easy to install and maintain. They are also known for their low pressure drop, which means they can effectively prevent backflow and maintain consistent fluid flow rates. Selain itu, they are cost-effective, which makes them an ideal choice for many industrial applications.
Farpro Valve offer high-quality wafer check valves that are designed to meet the needs of various industries. Katup periksa kami are made from durable materials that are resistant to wear and corrosion, ensuring that they perform optimally even in harsh operating conditions. Contact us today to learn more about our wafer check valves and how we can help you with your valve needs.
Classification of Wafer Check Valve

Katup Kupu-Kupu Wafer Manual – D71X
Katup kupu-kupu wafer manual D71X banyak digunakan di berbagai jaringan pipa pasokan air dan drainase, konstruksi dan sistem pemadaman kebakaran,

Katup Kupu-Kupu Wafer Listrik – D971X
D971X Electric wafer butterfly valve adalah jenis katup industri yang menggunakan aktuator listrik untuk mengontrol aliran

Katup Periksa Kupu-Kupu Wafer – DH77X
Katup periksa kupu-kupu wafer DH77X adalah jenis katup yang memungkinkan cairan mengalir dalam satu arah dan mencegahnya
Spring-loaded wafer check valve – In this type, the disc is pushed onto the seat by a spring, ensuring a positive shut-off. The spring force can be adjusted to suit different flow and pressure conditions.
Swing wafer check valve – This type uses a hinged disc that swings open and closed with the flow of fluid. The hinge design allows for a fast response time and low-pressure drop.
Both types of wafer check valves are commonly used in industrial applications where a compact and lightweight valve design is required.
Keyakinan Katup Farpro
Kami percaya bahwa memperlakukan setiap produk dengan serius dan menerima setiap pelanggan dengan tulus adalah hal terpenting bagi Farpro Valve.
Our wafer check valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, tapi kami pasti akan menjadi produsen paling jujur dan mitra paling setia Anda.
Farpro Valve adalah produsen katup global besar yang terlibat dalam penelitian, perkembangan, produksi dan penjualan katup.
Standar produk kami meliputi: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, DARI, DIA, gost, tidak, dll..
Katup kami tersedia di 12 kategori utama, 200 seri dan 4000 ukuran, termasuk katup gerbang, katup globe, katup bola, Katup kupu-kupu, katup periksa, katup diafragma, katup pengurang tekanan, katup sumbat, perangkap, dll..
Output tahunan mencapai 80,000 ton. Semua produk banyak digunakan dalam minyak bumi, petrokimia, bahan kimia, tenaga listrik, metalurgi, pemeliharaan air, konstruksi, farmasi, drainase dan bidang lainnya.
Produk kami laris manis di pasar Jerman, Inggris, Perancis, Italia, Brazil, Polandia dan lebih dari itu 30 negara dan wilayah di Eropa, Asia Tengah, Asia Barat, dll..