dn250 ball valve high pressure

Large Diameter Valves: Gate Butterfly Check Ball

Large diameter valves are essential components in industrial pipeline systems, where they play a crucial role in regulating the flow of fluids or gases. These valves are specifically designed to handle pipelines with larger diameters, typically ranging from several inches to several feet.

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Katup Diafragma Pneumatik

Katup diafragma pneumatik adalah jenis katup listrik baru yang menggunakan udara terkompresi sebagai sumber tenaga dan mengubah sinyal pneumatik menjadi sinyal listrik melalui aktuator untuk menggerakkan aksi katup.. Ini memiliki kelebihan struktur sederhana, volume kecil, ringan, dll.. Ini digunakan dalam sistem kontrol otomatis minyak bumi, bahan kimia, industri metalurgi dan lainnya sebagai alat pengatur dan penyadap.

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katup gerbang osy dan nrs

Perbedaan antara OS&katup gerbang y dan katup gerbang NRS

Gate valve merupakan komponen penting dalam sistem perpipaan, digunakan untuk mengontrol aliran fluida dengan membuka atau menutup mekanisme gerbang. Di antara berbagai jenis gate valve yang tersedia, dua yang paling umum adalah sistem operasi&Y (Sekrup dan Yoke Luar) katup gerbang dan NRS (Batang Tidak Meningkat) gerbang katup. Padahal kedua katup memiliki tujuan yang sama, mereka berbeda secara signifikan dalam desainnya, konstruksi, dan aplikasi. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mengeksplorasi perbedaan antara OS&Katup gerbang Y dan NRS secara detail.

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farpro diaphragm valve

Katup Diafragma

Diaphragm valves are a unique type of shut-off valve that control the flow of fluids in pipelines by using the movement of the diaphragm on the valve stem to regulate the opening and closing of the valve. The tightness of these valves is highly prominent, and their applications are wide-ranging due to the variety of diaphragm materials that can be used. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of diaphragm valves and their functions.

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automated production of farpro valve

The impact of the great era of automated production on the valve industry

Automated production will eventually eliminate manpower, as is the case with valves, and other production industries. We will eventually free our hands.

This is actually a good thing in the long run, and there may be worker unemployment in the short term. But in the long run, efficient production capacity will lead to higher social output and building capacity. Thus allowing everyone to be more productive with less work.

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butterfly valve structura general

Butterfly Valve Structure Genenal

Butterfly valve structure is a type of quarter-turn valve that uses a disc-shaped closure element, the butterfly disc, to control the flow of fluid. The butterfly disc is mounted on a shaft and is positioned in the center of the valve body, which is a round or oval-shaped pipe. The disc rotates around the shaft to regulate the flow of fluid through the valve.

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