L’impatto della grande era della produzione automatizzata sull’industria delle valvole

La produzione automatizzata alla fine eliminerà la manodopera, come nel caso delle valvole, e altre industrie produttive. Alla fine libereremo le nostre mani.

Questa è in realtà una buona cosa a lungo termine, e potrebbe esserci disoccupazione tra i lavoratori a breve termine. Ma a lungo termine, una capacità produttiva efficiente porterà a una maggiore produzione sociale e capacità di sviluppo. Permettendo così a tutti di essere più produttivi con meno lavoro.

This can allow people to have more time to think and enjoy themselves, allowing more people to get out of manual work and create higher value.

Problems arising from the automation of industrial production

As an example, it’s like the need for horse-drawn carriages in ancient times, but now only cars are needed, not a lot of horses. This is a benign iteration.

Per esempio, IL ChatGPT, which is very famous in the last two years, has wiped out many industries in just 2 years since it came out, and behind it is the unemployment of one employee after another. But we can not deny the value of artificial intelligence. It will allow our society to advance technologically faster.

Ovviamente, we can’t deny its risks either. Anything new is a double-edged sword, but the impact it has on the times will often be for the better.

I understand very well that there are some people who think their jobs are being replaced and that makes it impossible to find a job. Because if it was my job that was replaced and I was laid off, I would be very distressed too.

In this regard, I think that the progress of the times comes with some of the pain, and all we can do is to alleviate some of the pain as much as possible. I hope that the social level, the individual level, can pay attention to the problem of the tide of unemployment in the era of automated production, and try to find other ways to ease the unemployment problem in the era of automation.

What does automated production mean for the valve industry?

In my opinion, automated production is a revolution for the valve industry in the long run, which means that the manufacturing quality, function and value of valves will see a significant long-term growth.

But for companies, there will be a gradual exaggerated polarization: valve factories with a lot of high-tech, highly automated equipment and manual production calibration of ordinary cheap factories.

Valve products will also appear on the polarization: assembly line automation production of high-quality valves and extremely low-cost inferior quality valves.

Valvola Farpro as a valve manufacturer, in such a big era of automation, the current decision is: as far as possible to use high standards of high automation equipment to produce valves, but also to consider the cost of production, in order to maintain a higher quality production of valves, as far as possible to refine the control process, the use of a perfect production chain to reduce costs. Let our valve products to do, the right price, excellent quality.

With the progress of technology, the era of fully automated production is fast approaching, where factories may require only a handful of skilled workers to operate in the future. Time waits for no one, and we are mere specks in the river of time, briefly touching each other’s lives.