Total investment of 1.24 billion yuan! Farpro Yuanda Valve’s annual production of 50,000 tons of precision valves project is scheduled to be put into operation by the end of the year.

With the arrival of the Lunar New Year, Longyao County has shown vibrant development vitality. The launch of the Farpro Yuanda Valve Project, which processes 50,000 tons of precision valves annually, is not only an important initiative in local industrialRead more


工業用バルブ規格の重要性. 工業用バルブの規格は信頼性を確保するために非常に重要です, 安全性, さまざまな産業分野にわたるバルブの効率性を向上. 私は、規格が厳格な安全プロトコルと基準を確立する上で重要な役割を果たすと信じています。, minimizingRead more