Jenis-jenis Injap Rama-rama

Rumah » Jenis-jenis Injap Rama-rama
Various types of butterfly valve are versatile and efficient tools used in various industries for regulating flow. Kesederhanaan mereka, kemudahan operasi, and reliability make them a popular choice. Namun begitu, it’s important to understand their classification, pembinaan, and function to maximize their potential.

Butterfly valves are quarter-turn valves that use a disc-shaped element to regulate flow. The disc is perpendicular to the direction of flow when closed and parallel when open, and can be operated by a lever, handwheel, pneumatic actuator, or electric actuator.

These valves find application in chemical processing, makanan dan minuman, farmaseutikal, rawatan air, and HVAC industries, dalam kalangan yang lain.

Farpro Valve manufacturers provide a wide range of general-purpose and specialty butterfly valves to numerous industries and businesses. We prioritize the best quality of butterfly valve products while keeping sales prices as low as possible.

jenis injap rama-rama

Jenis-jenis Injap Rama-rama

injap rama-rama jenis lug

Injap Rama-rama Lug

Lug-type butterfly valves are a popular choice for many applications due to their unique design and versatility. Seperti yang disebutkan, they

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General Types of Butterfly Valve Construction​

struktur injap rama-rama genenal

  • Badan Injap: The body of a butterfly valve is a circular or oval tube containing the valve disc and seat. The valve body can be made of various materials, such as cast iron, besi mulur, keluli karbon, keluli tahan karat, dan plastik.
  • Valve Disc: The valve disc of a butterfly valve is attached to the stem and rotates around the stem to control flow. The disc can be made of various materials such as cast iron, keluli tahan karat, aluminum, dan plastik. The shape of the disc can be round, oval, or even rectangular.
  • Batang: The stem of a butterfly valve connects the disc to the actuator. It transmits the torque from the actuator to the disc, causing it to rotate. The stem can come in different lengths and materials, seperti keluli tahan karat, keluli karbon, or aluminum.
  • Valve Seat: The seat of a butterfly valve is a ring-shaped element mounted inside the valve body. It provides a sealing surface for the valve flap to close. The seat can be made of various materials, such as rubber, PTFE, metal, or graphite.
  • Actuator: The actuator of a butterfly valve is responsible for controlling the rotation of the butterfly blade. Penggerak boleh manual, pneumatik, or electric. Manual actuators use a lever or handwheel to operate the valve. Pneumatic actuators use compressed air to rotate the disc, while electric actuators use an electric motor to drive the valve.

Classified by Actuation Method

butterfly valve electric

Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve

The electric actuated is a modern, versatile method of driving butterfly valves. It involves an electric motor that rotates the valve disc through a series of gears or a direct drive mechanism.
The electric drive allows precise control of the valve position and can be operated remotely using a control panel or computer.
It is typically used in applications that require frequent adjustments, such as water treatment and HVAC systems.

pneumatic butterfly valve

Pneumatic Butterfly Valves

Pneumatic actuation is a method of actuation for butterfly valves that involves the use of compressed air to rotate the valve disc.
It is typically used in industrial applications that require high torque and precise control, such as the chemical processing and oil and gas industries.

injap rama-rama sipi

Manual Butterfly Valves

Manual actuation is the most basic method of actuation for butterfly valves. It involves a lever or handwheel that is rotated manually to open or close the valve.
It is simple, boleh dipercayai, and cost-effective, making it the best choice for small-scale applications that do not require frequent adjustments. Manual actuation is often used in residential and commercial buildings, where butterfly valves are used for water control.

injap rama-rama mengimbangi tiga kali ganda

Geared Butterfly Valves

Gear actuation is a popular method of butterfly valve actuation. It involves a gearbox that is connected to the valve stem and rotates the disc.
The gear drive provides precise control of the valve position and allows for a higher torque output than a manual drive.
It is typically used in industrial applications that require high torque and precise control, such as the chemical processing and oil and gas industries.

The Most Important Applications and Uses of Butterfly Valves

Butterfly valves are a type of flow control device that is widely used in various industries. They are versatile, boleh dipercayai, and cost-effective, making them an excellent choice for a variety of applications. Dalam artikel ini, we will explore the applications of butterfly valves in different industries and how they are used to improve processes and increase efficiency.

Projek Rawatan Air

Projek Rawatan Air

Many types of butterfly valves are commonly used in the water treatment industry to regulate the flow of water. They are used in water treatment plants to control the flow of water in and out of the plant, as well as to regulate the flow of water through various treatment processes. Butterfly valves are also used in the distribution of treated water, regulating the flow of water through pipes to different areas.

Power Generation Industry​

Industri Penjanaan Kuasa

Farpro percaya bahawa aplikasi loji kuasa meletakkan paip dan injap di bawah tekanan yang luar biasa, jadi injap memerlukan bahan dan reka bentuk yang teguh untuk mengendalikan pelbagai ujian peredaran, suhu dan tekanan.

Butterfly valves are widely used in the power generation industry to regulate the flow of fluids, such as water and steam. Mereka digunakan dalam pelbagai aplikasi, such as cooling water systems, fuel systems, and boiler feedwater systems. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of fluids, ensuring that the products are delivered safely and efficiently.

Sebagai tambahan kepada injap wap utama, loji kuasa mempunyai banyak saluran paip tambahan. Saluran paip tambahan ini terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis injap dunia, injap rama-rama, injap periksa, injap bola, dan injap pintu.

Metallurgical-Steel Industry

Metalurgi / Pengeluar Keluli

Injap pintu Farpro digunakan secara meluas dalam kejuruteraan besi dan keluli metalurgi dalam sistem pemakanan bahan mentah, sistem dos, sistem suntikan arang batu pembuatan besi.

Pada masa ini, injap pintu biasa dalam pengeluar keluli metalurgi terutamanya injap pintu pisau, injap pintu pneumatik, injap rama-rama, injap bola, dan lain-lain.

Pulp And Paper Industry

Pulp And Paper Suppliers

Proses pengeluaran kertas terbahagi kepada dua bahagian: pulpa dan pembuatan kertas. Air sisa yang dihasilkan dalam proses, selepas rawatan untuk memenuhi piawaian pelepasan nasional yang berkaitan, adalah amat diperlukan untuk penyertaan pelbagai jenis injap, termasuk injap pintu.

According to Farpro's years of valve experience, media utama yang ditemui dalam pengeluar kertas ialah: buburan, wap, air, kumbahan dan minuman keras hitam dan lain-lain media seumpamanya. Injap kawalan untuk media pengeluaran tidak perlu dipertimbangkan secara khusus untuk suhu tinggi, tekanan tinggi, kakisan yang kuat, kalis letupan dan faktor lain.

Butterfly valves are widely used in the pulp and paper industry to regulate the flow of fluids, such as pulp and chemicals. Mereka digunakan dalam pelbagai aplikasi, such as stock preparation systems, bleach plant systems, and coating systems. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of fluids, ensuring that the products are delivered safely and efficiently.

Pemprosesan Kimia

Pemprosesan Kimia

Some types of butterfly valves are commonly used in the chemical industry due to their ability to handle corrosive fluids. They are used to control the flow of chemicals through pipes and tanks, allowing for precise control over the process. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of chemicals, regulating the flow of fluids through tankers and pipelines.

Minyak & Perindustrian Marin Gas

Oil & Gas / Industri Marin

Various types of butterfly valves are widely used in the oil and gas industry to regulate the flow of crude oil, gas asli, dan cecair lain. They are used in pipelines and tankers to control the flow of fluids, as well as in refineries to regulate the flow of fluids through various processing stages.

Farpro telah membuat kesimpulan, berdasarkan jualan dan data global, bahawa permintaan untuk injap dalam industri pengekstrakan minyak dan gas global dan industri pengangkutan terus berkembang. Permintaan ini telah membawa kepada usaha industri minyak dan gas untuk saluran paip penggerudian yang lebih dalam dan kos pengeluaran yang lebih rendah, jadi juruteknik lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih peralatan dan perkakasan injap yang berkualiti.

Hulu, injap digunakan untuk mengawal aliran minyak, daripada sistem suntikan tekanan tinggi kepada pendikit pendikit letupan.

Hilir, Farpro melihat lebih banyak cabaran dalam proses penapisan minyak mentah. Pembahagian pasaran yang semakin meningkat menyediakan banyak keperluan teknologi tinggi untuk industri petrokimia, itulah sebabnya keperluan untuk ketepatan tinggi, pengeluaran dan reka bentuk injap berkualiti tinggi.

Industri Farmaseutikal

Industri Farmaseutikal

Butterfly valves are commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry to control the flow of fluids during the production of medications. They are used to regulate the flow of fluids through various processing stages, such as filtration, mixing, dan pengisian. Butterfly valves are also used in the transportation of fluids, ensuring that the products are delivered safely and efficiently.

Industri Loji Tenaga

  • Projek Loji Kuasa Terma Vietnam Shenglong 2*300MW
  • Projek Loji Janakuasa Thailang TPI PP 150MW
  • Projek Loji Kuasa Kitaran Gabungan Bangladesh Hiraganjie 225MW
  • Projek Penjanaan Kuasa Haba Sisa Relau Terma Lombong Tubatse Afrika Selatan
  • Projek Penjanaan Bersama Korla 2*350MW
  • Stesen Janakuasa Hidroelektrik Olese Kemboja

Oil&Gas / Pembekal Petrokimia

  • Kumpulan Tenaga Baofeng
  • Pembinaan Kejuruteraan Petroleum China
  • Projek Gas Asli SABIC Corporation Indonesia
  • Projek Penerokaan Geofizik di Arab Saudi
  • Projek Prospek Kolzhan Kazakhstan
  • Pembelian Injap Api Projek Tangki TEMA Ghana

Pembekal Pembinaan Bandar

  • Projek Penghantaran Air Krakow Poland
  • Projek Stesen Pam Tusterrick Uzbekistan
  • Projek SK Pakistan
  • Projek Angola Nova Ciamangola 5000TPD, dan lain-lain.

Kepercayaan Injap Farpro

Kami percaya bahawa melayan setiap produk dengan serius dan menerima setiap pelanggan dengan ikhlas adalah perkara yang paling penting untuk Farpro Valve.

Our types of butterfly valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, tetapi kami pasti akan menjadi pengeluar yang paling jujur ​​dan rakan kongsi anda yang paling setia.

Farpro Valve is a leading global valve manufacturer that specializes in the research, pembangunan, pengeluaran, and sales of high-quality valves. Our products conform to various industry standards, termasuk GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, DARI, DIA, GOST, NF, dalam kalangan yang lain.

We offer a diverse range of valves in 12 kategori utama, 200 siri, dan 4000 saiz, termasuk injap pintu, injap glob, injap bola, injap rama-rama, injap periksa, injap pengurangan tekanan, injap palam, perangkap, expansion joint pipes, dan banyak lagi. Keluaran tahunan kami sebanyak 80,000 tons ensures that we can meet the demands of our customers from various industries such as petroleum, petrokimia, kimia, kuasa elektrik, metalurgi, pemeliharaan air, pembinaan, farmaseutikal, saliran, dan lain lain.

Our products are well-received in the markets of Germany, England, Perancis, Itali, Brazil, Poland, dan lebih 30 negara dan wilayah di Eropah, Asia Tengah, Asia Barat, dan banyak lagi. We strive to provide our customers with the highest quality products at competitive prices and excellent service.

    Terima kasih kerana mempertimbangkan Farpro Valve sebagai rakan kongsi pilihan anda.
    Negara awak:

    Soalan Lazim

    • What types of Farpro butterfly valves are available?

    : Farpro offers a variety of butterfly valves, including wafer butterfly valves, lug butterfly valves, injap rama-rama mengimbangi berganda, triple offset butterfly valves, dan banyak lagi. These valves are available in a range of materials, termasuk besi tuang, keluli tuang, dan keluli tahan karat.

    • What is the difference between a lug butterfly valve and a wafer butterfly valve?

    : The main difference between a lug butterfly valve and a wafer butterfly valve is the way they are installed. A lug butterfly valve has threaded holes on each side of the valve body, which allows it to be bolted directly to the piping system. A wafer butterfly valve, sebaliknya, is designed to fit between two flanges in the piping system, and is held in place with bolts that go through the flanges and the valve body.

    • How do I choose the right Farpro butterfly valve for my application?

    : When choosing a Farpro butterfly valve, there are several factors to consider, including the type of media being controlled, the operating temperature and pressure, the size of the pipe, and the required flow rate. It is important to consult with a qualified valve expert to ensure that you choose the right valve for your specific application.