Injap Glob Slurry Jenis Y

Injap glob buburan jenis Y adalah untuk larutan alumina dan buburan mudah mendakan, skala, menghakis dan ciri-ciri media yang lain.

Oleh itu, ia digunakan terutamanya dalam saluran paip buburan petrokimia, metalurgi, farmaseutikal, industri percetakan dan pencelupan.

Injap ini boleh digunakan sebagai injap pengawal selia dan tutup.

In short, it is very suitable for metallurgy, alumina, industri kimia, ash slag conveying and other sectors.

Structure of Y type Slurry Globe Valve

Y-type globe valve mainly composed of left valve body, right valve body, valve flap, valve seat, batang injap, gasket, bracket, wear ring and other parts.

Similar to other valves, the valve body made of cast steel or stainless steel. The valve body is Y separating type and shut-off type. Because such a valve structure is easy to disassemble and maintenance.

Y type slurry valve is one of the indispensable valve types in alumina production pipeline.

Use of Y-type Slurry Valve

Y type slurry valve mainly use in the bottom side of alumina reactor to play the role of discharging material.

Jenis ini injap glob working principle is similar to the globe valve, but the sealing requirement is higher than that of the globe valve.

So, Y type slurry valve is very suitable for pipeline control in alumina production process, and also suitable for pipeline with coking and solid particles.