Soorten bolkleppen

Thuis » Soorten bolkleppen

A bol klep is a type of valve that controls the flow of fluids or gases. The valve consists of a movable disk that opens and closes to regulate the flow. The disk is connected to a stem that is operated by a handwheel, motor, or pneumatic actuator.

Globe valves have an S-shaped or Z-shaped bend in their internal structure, which makes them ideal for applications that require precise control of fluid flow. They are commonly used in applications that require throttling, such as controlling the flow of cooling water, fuel oil, or steam.

Farpro Valve manufacturers offer a wide range of general-purpose industrial globe valves and most specialty globe valves to numerous industries and businesses. We guarantee the best quality of globe valve products while keeping the sales price as low as possible.

All our parts are subjected to rigorous quality checks to ensure superior performance over time. We have zero product quality complaints, a timely delivery rate of over 99%, and a pass rate of over 93% on a single test run.

globe valve company farpro

Types of Farpro Globe Valves

z type globe valve flanged steam wcb

Z-type bolklep - Flanged Steam

Flanged steam Z type globe valves have a Z type body and are designed for low-pressure applications.
They have a straight flow path, which makes them ideal for applications that require precise flow control. Z type globe valves are commonly used in water treatment plants, chemische planten, en HVAC-systemen.

bolventiel met y-patroon

Y-Pattern Type Globe Valve

Y-pattern globe valves have a Y-shaped body and are designed for high-pressure applications.
They have an angled flow path, which makes them ideal for applications that require high flow rates. Y-pattern globe valves are commonly used in the oil and gas industry, stroomopwekking, en chemische fabrieken.

hoekbolklep api


Angle globe valves have a 90-degree angle between the inlet and outlet ports.
They are ideal for applications that require high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Hoekbolkleppen worden veel gebruikt in stoomsystemen, waterzuiveringsinstallaties, en energieopwekking.

The Most Important Applications and Uses of Globe Valves

Dammen en reservoirs


Globe valves are used in water treatment plants to control the flow of water and other fluids. They are used in applications such as water filtration, water softening, and reverse osmosis. Globe valves in water treatment plants are designed to be durable and reliable.

Climatix Rooftop Unit Optimization Key Visual


Globe valves are commonly used in HVAC systems to control the flow of water, stoom, or air. They are used in heating and cooling systems, as well as in air handling units. Globe valves in HVAC systems are designed to be energy-efficient, and they help maintain optimal indoor air quality.

Chemische verwerking

Chemische industrie

Globe valves are used in the chemical industry to control the flow of acids, basen, and other chemicals. They are used in various applications, inclusief chemische verwerking, water behandeling, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Globe valves in the chemical industry are designed to be resistant to corrosion and erosion.

Olie & Gas Marine Industrieel

Oil & Gas / Maritieme industrie

De olie- en gasindustrie biedt een brede markt voor klepfabrikanten, vooral bij schuif- en kogelkranen, terwijl de prestatie-eisen voor kleppen toenemen.

Farpro heeft besloten, gebaseerd op wereldwijde verkopen en gegevens, dat de vraag naar kleppen in de mondiale olie- en gaswinningsindustrie en de transportsector blijft groeien. Deze vraag heeft geleid tot de zoektocht van de olie- en gasindustrie naar diepere boorpijpleidingen en lagere productiekosten, Daarom besteden technici meer zorg aan het selecteren van hoogwaardige klepapparatuur en hardware.

Globe valves are used extensively in the oil and gas industry to control the flow of crude oil, natuurlijk gas, en andere vloeistoffen. They are used in pipelines, raffinaderijen, and offshore drilling rigs to control the flow of fluids and gases. Globe valves in the oil and gas industry are designed to withstand high pressure and temperature conditions.

Farmaceutische Industrie

Farmaceutische industrie

Globe valves are used in the pharmaceutical industry to control the flow of liquids and gases in various manufacturing processes. They are used in applications such as mixing, blending, and filling. Globe valves in the pharmaceutical industry are designed to be easy to clean and sanitize.

Met welke regio's en fabrieken heeft Farpro Valve gewerkt??


  • Vietnam Shenglong 2 * 300MW thermische energiecentraleproject
  • Thailang TPI PP 150MW energiecentraleproject
  • Bangladesh Hiraganjie 225MW gecombineerde cyclusenergiecentraleproject
  • Zuid-Afrikaanse Tubatse-mijn Thermische oven Afvalwarmte-energieopwekkingsproject
  • Korla 2*350MW warmtekrachtkoppelingsproject
  • Olese waterkrachtcentrale Cambodja

Oil&Gas / Petrochemische leveranciers

  • Baofeng Energiegroep
  • China Petroleumtechniekbouw
  • SABIC Corporation Indonesië aardgasproject
  • Geofysisch verkenningsproject in Saoedi-Arabië
  • Kazachstan Kolzhan Prospectieproject
  • Ghana TEMA Tankproject Aankoop van brandkleppen

Leveranciers van stedelijke bouwprojecten

  • Polen Watertransmissieproject Krakau
  • Oezbekistan Tusterrick pompstationproject
  • Pakistan SK-project
  • Angola Nova Ciamangola 5000TPD-project, enz.

Advantages of Farpro Globe Valves

Globe valves offer numerous advantages over other types of valves. Here are some of the most significant advantages of globe valves:

farpro valve world

Precise Flow Control

Globe valves are designed to provide precise control over the flow of fluids or gases. They offer excellent throttling characteristics, making them ideal for applications that require precise flow control.

Excellent Shut-Off Capability

Globe valves are designed to provide precise control over the flow of fluids or gases. They offer excellent throttling characteristics, making them ideal for applications that require precise flow control.

Low Pressure Drop

Globe valves have a lower pressure drop than other types of valves, which means they can maintain a high flow rate even at high pressure differentials. This feature makes them ideal for applications that require high flow rates, zoals in de olie- en gasindustrie.

Easy Maintenance

Globe valves are easy to maintain, and their internal parts are easily accessible for inspection and repair. This feature reduces downtime and maintenance costs.


We believe that treating each product seriously and receiving each customer sincerely are the most important things for Farpro Valve Company.

Our globe valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, maar we zullen absoluut de meest eerlijke fabrikant en uw meest trouwe partner zijn.

Farpro kleppenfabrikant fabriek

Farpro Valve is een grote wereldwijde kleppenfabrikant die zich bezighoudt met het onderzoek, ontwikkeling, productie en verkoop van kleppen.

Onze productnormen omvatten: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, VAN, HIJ, GOST, NF, enz.

Onze kranen zijn verkrijgbaar in 12 grote categorieën, 200 serie en 4000 maten, inbegrepen schuifafsluiters, bolkleppen, kogelkranen, vlinderkleppen, terugslagkleppen, membraan kleppen, drukreduceerventielen, plug kleppen, vallen, enz.

De jaarlijkse productie bereikt 80,000 ton. Alle producten worden veel gebruikt in aardolie, petrochemisch, chemisch, elektrische energie, metallurgie, waterbehoud, bouw, farmaceutisch, drainage en andere velden.

Onze producten verkopen goed op de Duitse markten, Engeland, Frankrijk, Italië, Brazilië, Polen en meer dan 30 landen en regio's in Europa, Centraal-Azië, West-Azië, enz.

    Bedankt dat u Farpro Valve als uw voorkeurspartner beschouwt.
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