С развитием рынка в 2023, растет спрос на большие дроссельные и шаровые краны со стороны клиентов. Клиенты требуют более высокого качества продукции и более высоких требований к затратам и производительности..

Однако, because most of the existing production equipment of valve manufacturers and factories are mostly aged and mismatched, it is difficult to configure the tooling and only single small batch production, which has not been able to make the production of дисковые затворы form a certain scale. Поэтому, they cannot meet the growing demand of butterfly valves.
Farpro has been adjusting its product structure in recent years. We have established an industrial base to develop and produce large butterfly and шаровые краны, and further increase the development and production of high performance butterfly and ball valves to make them our fist products.
Such a decision has contributed to huge economic benefits for us, and in the long run the enterprise has a broader space for survival and development, while also meeting market demand, especially supplementing the demand for valves for engineering development and global energy construction around the world.

Product comparison market competitiveness analysis:
Butterfly valves are lighter in weight than gate valves of the same caliber (generally half the weight of gate valves), easy to install and flexible to open. Ball valves are reliable sealing and light to operate.
These make their service life in high temperature and pressure and strong corrosive media greatly extended, and exceed the service life of Задвижки, generally 1.5 times the service life of gate valves.
Поэтому, the market demand for butterfly valves and ball valves is increasing, especially the demand for large diameter butterfly valves is increasing.
Looking at the current market survey and user demand:
Butterfly valve demand is generally DN300 ~ 2400mm caliber, of which DN500 ~ 2000mm dosage is the largest.
Ball valve DN100 ~ 800mm, the material are mainly carbon steel, легированная сталь, нержавеющая сталь.
Поэтому, Фарпро Клапан will have a wide market and strong competitiveness in 2023 by relying on its own industrial base specializing in the development and production of large-diameter butterfly valves and ball valves.