обратный клапан водяного затвора

Будущее сверхпроводниковых задвижек: Возможности и разработки

Сверхпроводники — это материалы, которые проявляют нулевое электрическое сопротивление и идеальный диамагнетизм при охлаждении до определенной критической температуры.. These unique properties have made them an attractive option for a wide range of applications, including in gate valve technology. Задвижки … Читать далее

производитель задвижек Farpro

Откройте для себя универсальность задвижек Farpro

Задвижки Farpro — надежное и универсальное решение для широкого спектра отраслей промышленности., в том числе нефть и газ, химическая обработка, выработка энергии, очистка воды, и более. As a leading gate valve manufacturer, Farpro Valve is dedicated to providing high-qualityЧитать далее

заводской клапан Фарпро

Как найти высококачественные задвижки от надежного поставщика

Внедрение клапанов в машиностроительной и закупочной отраслях., selecting a reliable gate valve supplier can make all the difference in ensuring successful projects. The right supplier not only provides high-quality products but also offers competitive pricing and excellent customerЧитать далее

производство задвижек

Фарпро Клапан: Intelligent production line, processing qualification rate 99.9%

Recently, in the digital workshop of forging steel machining of Farpro valve manufacturer, employees manipulate truss-type manipulators to process valve products. The digital workshop of forging steel machining of Farpro valve manufacturer, with intelligent production line and manipulators processing withЧитать далее

text for fugitive emissions

The chinese national standardIndustrial valves test for fugitive emissionswill soon be implemented

On December 30, 2022, the chinese national standardIndustrial valves test for fugitive emissionsdrafted by Farpro valve manufacturers and other 45 companies was officially released and will be officially implemented from July 1, 2023. The standard is modified toЧитать далее

automated production of farpro valve

Влияние великой эпохи автоматизированного производства на арматурную промышленность

Automated production will eventually eliminate manpower, as is the case with valves, and other production industries. We will eventually free our hands.

This is actually a good thing in the long run, and there may be worker unemployment in the short term. But in the long run, efficient production capacity will lead to higher social output and building capacity. Thus allowing everyone to be more productive with less work.

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