โครงสร้างวาล์วปีกผีเสื้อ เป็นวาล์วแบบควอเตอร์เทิร์นชนิดหนึ่งที่ใช้องค์ประกอบปิดรูปแผ่นดิสก์, แผ่นผีเสื้อ, เพื่อควบคุมการไหลของของไหล. แผ่นปีกผีเสื้อติดตั้งอยู่บนเพลาและวางไว้ตรงกลางตัววาล์ว, ซึ่งเป็นท่อกลมหรือวงรี. จานหมุนรอบเพลาเพื่อควบคุมการไหลของของไหลผ่านวาล์ว.
The main parts of butterfly valve structure
Butterfly valves are versatile and commonly used in industrial applications where tight shut-off is required. They consist of four main components of structure: ตัววาล์ว, แผ่นผีเสื้อ, the stem, and the actuator.
Butterfly valve body
The valve body is designed to match the piping system and contains the seat that the disc seals against when the valve is closed. This is important because it ensures that the valve provides a tight shut-off, preventing any unwanted leaks or losses in the system.
Butterfly valve disc
The butterfly disc is usually made of a lightweight material, such as aluminum, and is either concentric or eccentric in shape. The concentric design places the disc in the center of the valve body, while the eccentric structure design places it off-center. The choice of design depends on the specific application and the desired flow characteristics.
Butterfly valve stem
The stem connects the actuator to the disc and allows the disc to rotate. It is typically made of a sturdy material such as stainless steel to withstand the torque required to operate the valve.
Several different types of butterfly valve actuation
The actuator, which can be either manual or automatic, is used to operate the valve and move the disc into the desired position. Manual actuators are operated by hand, while automatic actuators are driven by an external power source such as compressed air, ไฟฟ้า, or hydraulic pressure.
Butterfly valves come in a variety of designs, รวมทั้ง wafer structure, lug structure, และ flanged structure configurations.
- Wafer butterfly valves are installed between two flanges and held in place by bolts.
- Lug butterfly valves have threaded inserts at the end of the valve body that allow them to be bolted onto the piping system.
- Flanged butterfly valves have flanges at the end of the valve body that are bolted onto the piping system.
Each design has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of design depends on the specific application and the desired installation and maintenance requirements.
โดยรวม, butterfly valves are known for their simple design, lightweight construction, and quick operation. They are commonly used in applications that require tight shut-off, เช่นในอุตสาหกรรมเคมีและการแปรรูปอาหาร. They are also useful in applications where flow control is important, as they provide excellent throttling capabilities. With their versatility and ease of use, butterfly valves are an excellent choice for a wide range of industrial applications.