Pnömatik Diyaframlı Vana

Pneumatic diaphragm valve is a new type of electric valve that uses compressed air as the power source and converts the pneumatic signal into an electrical signal through an actuator to drive the valve action. It has the advantages of simple structure, small volume, hafif, vesaire. It use in the automatic control system of petroleum, kimyasal, metallurgical and other industries as a regulating and intercepting device.

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farpro diaphragm valve

Diaphragm Valve

Diaphragm valves are a unique type of shut-off valve that control the flow of fluids in pipelines by using the movement of the diaphragm on the valve stem to regulate the opening and closing of the valve. The tightness of these valves is highly prominent, and their applications are wide-ranging due to the variety of diaphragm materials that can be used. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of diaphragm valves and their functions.

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extraction check valve

Ekstraksiyon Çek Valfı

Extraction check valves play an important role in preventing backflow and protecting valuable equipment from damage in steam and water lines. These valves are specifically designed for use in extraction lines from steam turbines to feedwater heaters, ısıtma sistemleri, or process equipment. The extraction check valve is engineered for exceptional reliability and can be configured to remain open until closed by a cylinder actuator on signal.

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çek valf elektrikli endüstriyel

Tek Yönlü Vana Çeşitleri

Tek yönlü vanalar ayrıca denir çek valfler veya çek valfler. Akışkanın sadece giriş boyunca akabildiği, çıkıştaki ortamın geri akamadığı vanadır..

Hidrolik sistemlerde yağın ters akışını önlemek için kullanılır., veya basınçlı havanın ters akışını önlemek için pnömatik sistemlerde. Boru hatlarında maddelerin tek yönlü akışını sağlayarak çeşitli endüstrilerde önemli bir rol oynarlar., sistemler, ve ekipman, böylece güvenliği artırır, yeterlik, ve performans.

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y tipi küresel vana

Y Tipi Bulamaç Küresel Vana

Y type slurry globe valve is for alumina solution and slurry easy to precipitate, ölçek, corrosive and other characteristics of the media.

Öyleyse, it mainly used in the slurry pipeline of petrochemical, metalurji, eczacılığa ait, printing and dyeing industries.

This valve can be use as regulating and shut-off valve.

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high pressure solenoid valve

Solenoid valfleri

Solenoid valves are industrial equipment, controlled by electromagnetic force. Which used with different circuits to achieve the desired control and play an indispensable role in control systems. With this, there is a huge market demand for production equipment related to performance testing of solenoid valve products.

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UPVC Küresel Vanaların Tanıtımı

UPVC küresel vananın yapısı basittir ve yalnızca birkaç parçadan oluşur.
Küresel vana malzeme tüketimi daha az, küçük boy, hafif, küçük kurulum boyutu, küçük sürüş torku, basınç ayar vanası, kullanımı kolay.
Yaygın olarak kullanılan bu küresel vananın yalnızca dönmesi gerekir 90 hızlı bir şekilde açılıp kapanma dereceleri. Ayrıca iyi bir akış düzenleme etkisine ve kapalı sızdırmazlık özelliklerine sahiptir..

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