çek valf elektrikli endüstriyel

Types of One-way Valves

One-way valves also called çek valfler or non-return valves. It is a valve where the fluid can only flow along the inlet and the medium at the outlet cannot flow back.

It use in hydraulic systems to prevent the reverse flow of oil, or in pneumatic systems to prevent the reverse flow of compressed air. They play a crucial role in various industries by ensuring the unidirectional flow of substances in pipelines, sistemler, and equipment, thereby enhancing safety, yeterlik, and performance.

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y tipi küresel vana

Y Tipi Bulamaç Küresel Vana

Y type slurry globe valve is for alumina solution and slurry easy to precipitate, ölçek, corrosive and other characteristics of the media.

Öyleyse, it mainly used in the slurry pipeline of petrochemical, metalurji, eczacılığa ait, printing and dyeing industries.

This valve can be use as regulating and shut-off valve.

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V Portlu Küresel Vana

V portlu küresel vana bir tür küresel vanadır, kapatma elemanı V şeklinde bir açıklığa sahip bir yarım küredir. V şeklindeki açıklığın keskin bir kenarı vardır, topun dönme sürecinde, kapatma elemanı arasında silme etkisi vardır, medya üzerinde güçlü bir kesme kuvvetine sahiptir.

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high pressure solenoid valve

Solenoid Valves

Solenoid valves are industrial equipment, controlled by electromagnetic force. Which used with different circuits to achieve the desired control and play an indispensable role in control systems. With this, there is a huge market demand for production equipment related to performance testing of solenoid valve products.

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