Flanged ball valves are a popular choice for industrial applications due to their flanged end connections. These valves are bolted to the piping system and are commonly used in chemical processing, нафта і газ, and water treatment industries.
Flanged ball valves are also suitable for high-pressure and high-temperature applications. The ball in the valve rotates to allow or block the flow of fluid, which makes it easier to control the flow in these types of applications. Крім того, the design of the valve allows for a tight shut-off, which reduces the risk of leakage.
Types of Flanged Ball Valves

Gear Operated Flanged Ball Valve Stainless Steel – Q341
Q341 gear operated flanged ball valves have the remarkable features of solid structure, precise control, efficient medium flow, and easy flange

Air Venting Flanged Floating Ball Valve – CARX
CARX air venting floating ball valve is a barrel-shaped valve body, which mainly contains a set of stainless steel floating

Advantages of Flanged Ball Valve
One of the key advantages of flanged ball valves is their ease of maintenance. These valves can be easily removed for cleaning or repair, which makes them an ideal choice for applications where maintenance is required. Додатково, the flanged end connections make it easy to install or replace the valve.
У Farpro Valve, we offer a range of flanged ball valves that are designed to meet the needs of various industries. Our valves are made with high-quality materials and are built to last. Contact us today to learn more about our flanged ball valves and how they can benefit your application.
Переконання Farpro Valve
Ми віримо, що серйозне ставлення до кожного продукту та щире ставлення до кожного клієнта є найважливішими для Farpro Valve.
наш Ball valve types не обов'язково мають найнижчу ціну, але ми точно будемо найчеснішим виробником і вашим найвірнішим партнером.

Про виробника клапанів Farpro
Farpro Valve is a global valve manufacturer that specializes in the research, розвитку, виробництва, та продаж клапанів. We adhere to various product standards such as GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, ВІД, ВІН, ГОСТ, NF, і більше. With 12 основні категорії, 200 серії, і 4000 sizes of valves, we offer a diverse range of products such as gate valves, запірні клапани, кульові крани, поворотні клапани, зворотні клапани, діафрагмові клапани, редукційні клапани, пробкові вентилі, пастки, і більше.
Our valves are highly durable and suitable for various applications in fields such as petroleum, нафтохімічні речовини, хімічний, електрична енергія, металургія, водне господарство, будівництво, фармацевтичні препарати, водовідведення, та інші. We produce an annual output of 80,000 тонн, which are distributed in over 30 countries and regions such as Germany, Англія, Франція, Італія, Бразилія, Польща, Європа, Центральна Азія, Західна Азія, і більше.
Choose Farpro Valve for high-quality and reliable valve solutions.