Flanged butterfly valve is a type of valve that is commonly used in industrial processes to control the flow of fluids.
Flanged butterfly valves are designed to be bolted to the flanges at each end of the valve. They have a raised surface on each flange to provide a surface for the gasket.
They are typically used in applications where high pressures and temperatures are present.
Flanged butterfly valves are typically used in the following applications: oil and gas processing plants, електростанції, заводи хімічної обробки, та системи HVAC.
The valve consists of a disk-shaped element with a pivot axis that is mounted inside a pipe or duct.
Коли клапан закритий, the disk is rotated so that it completely blocks the flow of fluid.
Коли клапан відкритий, the disk is rotated to allow fluid to pass through the pipe or duct.
Types of Flanged Butterfly Valves

Flanged Eccentric Butterfly Valve – XDF342
XDF342 flanged eccentric butterfly valve is a type of valve that uses a disc as a closure element. The disc

Dismantling Flanged Butterfly Valve – SD342/343
SD342/343 dismantling flanged butterfly valve is mainly used in water plants, електростанції, water diversion projects and other media for

Дроссельний клапан з фланцем, футерований NBR EPDM – D341X
D341X Flanged Butterfly Valve Lined NBR EPDM is a type of butterfly valve that has a flanged connection and a

Фланцевий дисковий клапан керування потоком TL941X
TL941X control flow butterfly valve is mainly used in water plants, електростанції, water diversion projects and other media for

Control Flanged Butterfly Valve – GL41H
GL41H control flanged butterfly valve has the functions of preventing backflow, starting the pump with light load, reducing water hammer,

Double Flanged Butterfly Valve
A double-flanged butterfly valve is a type of valve that has two flanges on each end of the valve body. The flanges are used to mount the valve between two pipe flanges. This type of valve is commonly used in applications that require higher pressure ratings, such as water treatment plants, Системи ОВК, and power plants.
The design of the double-flanged butterfly valve allows it to be easily installed and removed from the pipeline without having to disassemble the piping system. This makes maintenance and repair work more accessible and more efficient. Double-flanged butterfly valves are also available in different materials, including cast iron, ductile iron, нержавіюча сталь, and exotic alloys, making them suitable for various applications.

Single Flange Butterfly Valve
A single-flange butterfly valve is a type of valve that has a single flange on one end of the valve body. The flange is used to mount the valve onto the pipeline. This type of valve is commonly used in applications that require lower pressure ratings, such as HVAC systems, хімічна обробка, and water treatment plants.
The design of the single-flange butterfly valve makes it lightweight and easy to install. It is also less expensive than double-flanged butterfly valves, making it a popular choice for applications where cost is a consideration. Single-flange butterfly valves are available in different materials, including cast iron, ductile iron, нержавіюча сталь, and exotic alloys, making them suitable for various applications.
Advantages of Flanged Butterfly Valves
- Lightweight and easy to install
- Provide precise control over fluid flow
- Easy to operate and maintain
- Have a low pressure drop
- Are less expensive than other types of valves
- Have a compact design that saves space
Flanged butterfly valves are a versatile type of valve that can be used in a wide range of industrial applications.
They are lightweight, easy to install, and provide precise control over fluid flow.
By understanding the different types of flanged butterfly valves, their parameters, and their application scenarios, engineers can select the right valve for their specific needs.
Parameters of Flanged Butterfly Valves

The size of a flanged butterfly valve is determined by the diameter of the valve’s disk. Valves can range in size from a few inches to several feet in diameter.
Pressure Rating
The pressure rating of a butterfly flanged valve is the maximum pressure that the valve can withstand without leaking. Valves are typically rated for a maximum pressure of 150 psi to 300 psi.
Temperature Rating
The temperature rating of a flanged butterfly valve is the maximum temperature that the valve can withstand without being damaged. Valves are typically rated for temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Flanged butterfly valves can be made from a variety of materials, including cast iron, ductile iron, вуглецева сталь, нержавіюча сталь, and exotic alloys.
Application Scenarios

Системи ОВК
Butterfly flanged valves are often used in HVAC (heating, вентиляція, і кондиціонер) systems to regulate the flow of air and water. They are commonly used in air handlers, fan coil units, and chilled water systems.
Chemical Processing
Flanged butterfly valves are also used in chemical processing plants to control the flow of chemicals through pipes and ducts. They are commonly used in applications where the fluid being processed is corrosive or abrasive.
Water Treatment
Butterfly flanged valves are used in water treatment plants to regulate the flow of water through the treatment process. They are commonly used in applications such as water intake and discharge, sludge handling, and chemical dosing.
Oil and Gas
Flanged butterfly valves are used in oil and gas pipelines to regulate the flow of crude oil and natural gas. They are commonly used in applications such as pump stations, compressor stations, and metering stations.
Power Generation
Butterfly valves are used in power generation plants to control the flow of steam and other fluids. They are commonly used in applications such as boiler feedwater control, turbine bypass
Food and Beverage
Flanged butterfly valves are also used in food and beverage processing plants to regulate the flow of fluids such as water, milk, and juices. They are commonly used in applications such as pasteurization, filtration, and cleaning.
Butterfly valves are used in pharmaceutical processing plants to regulate the flow of fluids such as chemicals, solvents, and pharmaceuticals. They are commonly used in applications such as mixing, blending, and filling.
Переконання Farpro Valve

Ми віримо, що серйозне ставлення до кожного продукту та щире ставлення до кожного клієнта є найважливішими для Farpro Valve.
Our butterfly valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, але ми точно будемо найчеснішим виробником і вашим найвірнішим партнером.
Про виробника клапанів Farpro
Farpro Valve — великий світовий виробник клапанів, який займається дослідженнями, розвитку, виробництво та продаж арматури.
Наші стандарти продукції включають: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, ВІД, ВІН, ГОСТ, NF, тощо.
Наші клапани доступні в 12 основні категорії, 200 серія і 4000 розміри, включаючи засувки, запірні клапани, кульові крани, поворотні клапани, зворотні клапани, діафрагмові клапани, редукційні клапани, пробкові вентилі, пастки, тощо.
Річний обсяг виробництва досягає 80,000 тонн. Усі продукти широко використовуються в нафтовій промисловості, нафтохімічна, хімічний, електрична енергія, металургія, водне господарство, будівництво, фармацевтичний, водовідведення та ін.
Наша продукція добре продається на ринках Німеччини, Англія, Франція, Італія, Бразилія, Польща і більше 30 країн і регіонів Європи, Центральна Азія, Західна Азія, тощо.