Типи зворотних клапанів

додому » Типи зворотних клапанів

Many види зворотного клапана can be made from different materials, наприклад, латунний зворотний клапан, зворотний клапан з нержавіючої сталі, PVC check valve, and cast iron check valve, depending on the application and the fluid or gas properties.

They also known as non-return valves or one-way valves, are mechanical valves that allow the fluid or gas to flow in one direction and prevent backflow. This type have a disc or a ball that rests on a seat, which closes the valve when the flow stops or reverses direction.

Farpro Valve manufacturers offer a wide range of general-purpose check valves and most specialty non-return valves to many industries and businesses. We guarantee the best quality of check valve products while keeping the sales price as low as possible. Our Check valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, але ми точно будемо найчеснішим виробником і вашим найвірнішим партнером.

види зворотного клапана

Types of Farpro Check Valves

With a pass rate of over 93% on single test runs, our check valves are consistent and accurate, a result of our commitment to utilizing the latest technology and machinery, and adhering to strict quality control measures during the manufacturing process.

We also prioritize timely delivery of our products, with a delivery rate of over 99%. We understand that project timelines and schedules are crucial, and we strive to ensure that our valves are delivered on time to meet our customersneeds.

Advantages of Check Valves

  1. Preventing Backflow: The primary advantage of non-ruturn check valves is that they prevent backflow, which can cause damage to equipment and disrupt the flow of fluid in a system. By preventing backflow, check valves help to maintain system efficiency and prevent costly downtime.
  2. Reduced Maintenance: Check valves require little maintenance compared to other types of one-way valves. They are typically designed to operate without any external power source, making them easy to install and maintain.
  3. Energy Savings: Check valves can help to reduce energy consumption in a system. By preventing backflow, check valves reduce the need for additional pumping power to compensate for the loss of pressure caused by reverse flow. This can result in significant energy savings over time.
  4. Improved System Efficiency: Types of check valves can improve the overall efficiency of a system by maintaining a consistent flow of fluid in one direction. This can help to reduce the wear and tear on equipment and improve the performance of pumps and compressors.
  5. Preventing Water Hammer: Pipelines carrying liquids, such as water distribution systems, rapid changes in flow velocity can cause pressure surges known as water hammer. Check valves help mitigate the effects of water hammer by preventing the sudden reversal of flow, which can lead to pipe damage, витоки, or even system failure.
  6. Maintaining System Pressure: Some pipeline systems, check valves are used to maintain the desired pressure levels. For example, in water distribution networks, check valves can prevent the backflow of water from higher-pressure areas to lower-pressure areas, ensuring consistent water pressure throughout the system.
  7. Preventing Backflow of Hazardous Materials: Pipelines carrying hazardous materials, such as chemicals or toxic gases, check valves are essential for preventing backflow and potential leaks or spills that could pose environmental or safety risks.
поворотний зворотний клапан

Поворотний зворотний клапан

Swing check valves are the most common type of check valves. They consist of a disk that swings on a hinge, allowing the fluid to flow in one direction and closing when the fluid flows in the opposite direction.
Swing check valves are suitable for applications with low to moderate flow rates, and where back pressure is minimal.

Зворотний клапан підйому поршня wcb

Lift / Piston Check Valve

Lift/Piston check valves are similar to swing check valves, but instead of swinging, the disk moves up and down to open and close the valve. Lift check valves are suitable for high-pressure applications and where the flow rate is low to moderate.
Piston check valves are commonly used in oil and gas pipelines, вироблення енергії, видобуток, and petrochemical industry applications to prevent backflow of fluids or gases and protect the equipment from damage.

Вафельний зворотний клапан

Вафельний зворотний клапан

The wafer check valve is thin and structurally stable, so it can be adapted to a wide range of scenarios.
This type check valve is widely used in roommate chemical, металургійне виробництво, фармацевтичний, Захист навколишнього середовища, виготовлення паперу, видобуток, міське будівництво, household pipeline and other industries.

кульовий зворотний клапан wcb

Кульовий зворотний клапан

Ball check valves use a ball-shaped disk to control the flow of fluid. When the fluid flows in the desired direction, the ball moves away from the valve seat, пропускаючи рідину.
When the fluid flows in the opposite direction, кулька притискається до сідла клапана, запобігання зворотного потоку. Ball check valves are suitable for applications with high flow rates and where minimal pressure drop is required.

stop check valve stainless steel

Запірний зворотний клапан

Stop check valves combine the features of a lift check valve and a globe valve. They allow fluid to flow in one direction and close to prevent backflow.
Проте, they also allow the operator to manually close the valve in the event of an emergency or maintenance. Stop check valves are suitable for high-pressure applications and where frequent maintenance is required.

silent check valve

Безшумний зворотний клапан

A silent check valve is a type of valve that is designed to prevent backflow in a piping system. The valve body is usually made of metal or plastic and contains the other components of the valve. The nozzle is a small opening in the valve body that allows fluid to flow through. The check valve element is located inside the valve body and is designed to allow fluid to flow in one direction only.
The scope of application of a nozzle check valve can be in a wide range of industries, включаючи нафту і газ, хімічний, нафтохімічна, фармацевтичний, food and beverage, and water treatment. These valves can be used in a variety of applications, such as pipelines, насоси, and compressors, to prevent backflow and protect equipment.

The Most Important Applications and Uses of Check Valves

Water Treatment Project

Water Treatment Project

Swing check valves are commonly used in water treatment plants to prevent backflow and protect pumps. According to Farpro's statistics, it was found that different types of valves are used for each level of general wastewater treatment.

1. The first step, primary treatment, removes solid pollutants in suspension, and most physical treatment methods meet the requirements of treatment. After primary treatment, the removal rate of BOD is generally around 30%. Here commonly used valves and pipeline accessories are: засувки ножові, triple eccentric butterfly valves, filters, тощо.
2. the second step, the need to remove the colloid and dissolved organic pollutants in the sewage (BOD, COD substances), the removal rate of 90%, so that organic pollutants meet the discharge standards, suspended matter removal rate to 95%. The valves commonly used here are soft seal butterfly valves, засувки, кульові крани, зворотні клапани, тощо.
3. the third step, the main methods include biological denitrification and phosphorus removal, coagulation and sedimentation, sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption, ion exchange and electroosmosis. The valves needed here are butterfly valve, засувка, кульовий кран, check valve, rubber soft joint, тощо.

Power Generation Industry​

Power Generation Industry

Farpro believes that power plant applications put piping and valves under tremendous stress, so valves need robust materials and designs to handle the multiple tests of circulation, temperature and pressure.

Stop check valves are commonly used in power generation applications, where high-pressure steam and fluid must be controlled to ensure safety and prevent damage to equipment.

In addition to the main steam valves, power plants have many auxiliary pipelines. These auxiliary pipelines consist of a wide variety of globe valves, поворотні клапани, зворотні клапани, кульові крани, and gate valves.

Chemical Processing

Chemical Processing

Ball check valves are commonly used in chemical processing applications, where the flow rate is high, and pressure drop is minimal.

олія & Gas Marine Industrial

Oil & Gas / Marine Industry

Farpro has concluded, based on global sales and data, that the demand for valves in the global oil and gas extraction industry and transportation industry continues to grow. This demand has led to the oil and gas industry's quest for deeper drilling pipelines and lower production costs, so technicians are taking greater care in selecting quality valve equipment and hardware.

Diaphragm check valves are suitable for the oil and gas industry, where the fluid may contain debris, and low pressure drop is required.

З якими регіонами та заводами працював Farpro Valve?

Промисловість електростанцій

  • Проект ТЕС Shenglong 2*300 МВт у В’єтнамі
  • Проект електростанції Thailang TPI PP 150 МВт
  • Проект електростанції комбінованого циклу в Бангладеші Хіраганджі потужністю 225 МВт
  • Південноафриканська шахта Тубаце Термічна піч для виробництва теплової енергії
  • Проект когенерації Korla 2*350MW
  • Олеська гідроелектростанція Камбоджа

Oil&Gas / Нафтохімічні постачальники

  • Baofeng Energy Group
  • China Petroleum Engineering Construction
  • SABIC Corporation Indonesia Natural Gas Project
  • Проект геофізичних досліджень у Саудівській Аравії
  • Казахстан Колжанський пошуковий проект
  • Придбання протипожежного клапана проекту TEMA в Гані

Постачальники міського будівництва

  • Проект водопостачання Кракова в Польщі
  • Проект насосної станції Tusterrick в Узбекистані
  • Пакистанський проект SK
  • Проект Angola Nova Ciamangola 5000TPD, тощо.

Переконання Farpro Valve

Ми віримо, що серйозне ставлення до кожного продукту та щире ставлення до кожного клієнта є найважливішими для Farpro Valve.

Our check valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, але ми точно будемо найчеснішим виробником і вашим найвірнішим партнером.

Farpro Valve is a global valve manufacturer that specializes in the research, розвитку, виробництва, and sales of valves for a variety of industries. Our products meet a range of standards including GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, ВІД, ВІН, ГОСТ, та Н.Ф.

We offer a wide range of valves, в тому числі gate type valves, globe type valves, ball type valves, butterfly type valves, check type valves, діафрагмові клапани, редукційні клапани, пробкові вентилі, і пастки. Наші клапани доступні в 12 основні категорії, 200 серії, і 4000 розміри, providing our customers with ample options to suit their needs.

Our valves are made from a variety of materials, including brass, нержавіюча сталь, ПВХ, і чавун, depending on the application and fluid or gas properties. We ensure that all of our products are of the highest quality and reliable in operation.

With an annual output of 80,000 тонн, our products are widely used in industries such as petroleum, нафтохімічна, хімічний, електрична енергія, металургія, водне господарство, будівництво, фармацевтичні препарати, водовідведення, і більше. Our valves are popular in over 30 країн і регіонів Європи, Центральна Азія, Західна Азія, і за його межами, включаючи Німеччину, Англія, Франція, Італія, Бразилія, and Poland.

У Farpro Valve, we prioritize honesty and integrity and strive to be the most faithful partner to our customers. Наші зворотні клапани, for example, may not have the lowest price, but we guarantee that we are the most honest manufacturer in the market. Choose Farpro Valve for high-quality products and reliable service.

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    Електронна пошта*:
    Твоя країна:


    What is a check valve?
    A check valve is a mechanical valve that allows fluid to flow in one direction while preventing backflow in the opposite direction.

    What are the types of check valves?
    There are several types of check valves, including swing check valves, lift check valves, and ball check valves.

    Where are check valves used?
    Check valves are used in a variety of industries, включаючи нафту і газ, очистка води, хімічний, food processing, and HVAC.

    What are the advantages of check valves?
    Check valves offer several advantages, including preventing backflow, reducing maintenance, saving energy, and improving system efficiency.

    How do check valves help to save energy?
    Check valve can help to reduce energy consumption in a system by preventing backflow and reducing the need for additional pumping power to compensate for the loss of pressure caused by reverse flow.