Flow control globe valves are designed to precisely regulate the flow of fluid in a pipeline. They have a globe-shaped body with a movable disk or plug that controls the flow rate. The disk or plug can be moved up or down to increase or decrease the flow, and the valve can be locked in position to maintain a constant flow rate.
Flow control globe valves are commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, хімічна обробка, and water treatment, where precise control of fluid flow is critical. They are also used in power plants.

T40F Flow Control Globe Valve - Z Type
Корпус клапана: чавун
Valve Bonnet: чавун
Маховик: чавун
Матеріал диска: чавун
Стебло: вуглецева сталь, нержавіюча сталь
Стовбуровий горіх: brass
Печатка: PTFE
Упаковка: graphites
Номінальний діаметр DN: 32-300мм
Other Types of Flow Control Globe Valve

Angle Globe Valves
These valves have an angled body and are designed for high-pressure and high-temperature applications. They are commonly used in steam systems, water treatment plants, і виробництво електроенергії.
Needle Globe Valves
These are designed for precise flow control, with a tapered needle-like disk that fits into a matching seat. They are commonly used in laboratories and industrial applications that require high accuracy.
Bellows Globe Valves
These valves have a bellows seal that helps to prevent leaks and ensure reliable performance. They are commonly used in applications where high pressure and high temperatures are present.
Cage Globe Valves
These valves have a cage around the disk that helps to guide the flow of fluid, allowing for greater control and reducing the risk of cavitation. They are commonly used in the oil and gas industry and in chemical processing.
Three-way Globe Valves
These valves have three ports and are used to regulate the flow of fluid between two separate lines. They are commonly used in chemical processing and in HVAC systems.
Application of Flow Control Globe Valve

- Water treatment plants: Flow control globe valves are used in water treatment plants to regulate the flow of water and other liquids.
- Хімічна обробка: These valves are used in chemical plants to control the flow of chemicals and other hazardous fluids.
- Нафтогазова промисловість: Flow control globe valves are used in the oil and gas industry to regulate the flow of crude oil, natural gas, and other fluids.
- Power generation: Flow control globe valves are used in power plants to control the flow of steam and other fluids that drive turbines.
- Food and beverage industry: These valves are used in food and beverage processing plants to control the flow of liquids and gases.
Переконання Farpro Valve
We prioritize the quality of our products above everything else. We understand that reliable and long-lasting valves are essential to the success of any industrial operation. That’s why we subject our valves to a series of rigorous quality checks to ensure that they meet and exceed industry standards.
Our commitment to quality is reflected in our outstanding track record. We are proud to say that we have received zero product quality complaints, a testament to the reliability of our products. We also maintain a timely delivery rate of over 99%, so you can count on us to deliver your orders on time. Крім того, our valves have achieved a pass rate of over 93% on single test runs, which demonstrates the consistency and accuracy of our manufacturing process.
Ми віримо, що серйозне ставлення до кожного продукту та щире ставлення до кожного клієнта є найважливішими для Farpro Valve.
Our flow control globe valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, але ми точно будемо найчеснішим виробником і вашим найвірнішим партнером.
Farpro Valve — великий світовий виробник клапанів, який займається дослідженнями, розвитку, виробництво та продаж арматури.
Наші стандарти продукції включають: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, ВІД, ВІН, ГОСТ, NF, тощо.
Наші клапани доступні в 12 основні категорії, 200 серія і 4000 розміри, включаючи засувки, запірні клапани, кульові крани, поворотні клапани, зворотні клапани, діафрагмові клапани, редукційні клапани, пробкові вентилі, пастки, тощо.
Річний обсяг виробництва досягає 80,000 тонн. Усі продукти широко використовуються в нафтовій промисловості, нафтохімічна, хімічний, електрична енергія, металургія, водне господарство, будівництво, фармацевтичний, водовідведення та ін.
Наша продукція добре продається на ринках Німеччини, Англія, Франція, Італія, Бразилія, Польща і більше 30 країн і регіонів Європи, Центральна Азія, Західна Азія, тощо.