ball valve application

The global ball valve market is expected to reach USD 16.2 billion by 2027

Stainless steel ball valve segment to hold a large market share by 2022. Stainless steel ball valves are highly corrosion resistant and robust, making them suitable for numerous applications in different industries, including food & beverages, хімічні речовини, фармацевтичні препарати, metals, and mining.



Introduction of UPVC Ball Valves

UPVC ball valve is simple in structure and consists of only a few parts.
Ball valve material consumption less, small size, легка вага, small installation size, small driving torque, pressure regulating valve, простий в експлуатації.
This commonly used ball valve only needs to rotate 90 degrees to open and close quickly. And also has a good flow regulation effect and closed sealing characteristics.
