Звичайна промислова арматура

Загальні промислові клапани та особливості

Клапани — це неминуча тема, коли мова йде про сантехніку. Ми часто чуємо різноманітні заплутані назви клапанів, especially when we recently compiled this Chinese-English comparison table. Due to the lack of understanding of valves, we had no ideaДокладніше

Застосування дросельних і шиберних засувок в різних умовах роботи

Поворотні та шиберні клапани є широко використовуваними клапанами, and they both play the role of opening and closing and regulating flow in pipeline use. Проте, there are still differences in the selection process of butterfly valves and gateДокладніше

Аналіз структури подвійного ущільнення в поворотних затворах великого діаметра

З постійним прогресом промислових технологій, the application of large-diameter valves in various fluid delivery systems is becoming increasingly widespread. Among them, large-diameter butterfly valves, due to their simple structure, convenient operation, and excellent sealing performance, have been widelyДокладніше

Repairs an industrial valve

Industrial Valve Maintenance and Overhaul (Super complete)

Maintenance Cycle and Procedures Maintenance Cycle 1.1 The maintenance cycle for valves should be determined by each enterprise based on the characteristics of the production unit, properties of the medium, corrosion rates, and operational cycles. 1.2 The regular inspection ofДокладніше

butterfly valve structura general

Butterfly Valve Structure Genenal

Butterfly valve structure is a type of quarter-turn valve that uses a disc-shaped closure element, the butterfly disc, to control the flow of fluid. The butterfly disc is mounted on a shaft and is positioned in the center of the valve body, which is a round or oval-shaped pipe. The disc rotates around the shaft to regulate the flow of fluid through the valve.
