Шість основних причин пошкодження ущільнювальних поверхонь клапанів

Ущільнювальні поверхні клапана є критично важливими компонентами, які відіграють важливу роль у забезпеченні належної роботи клапана. Проте, these surfaces are susceptible to various forms of damage due to factors such as corrosion, erosion, and wear caused by the media theyДокладніше

Comprehensive Introduction to Global Industrial Valve Standard

The importance of industrial valve standards. Industrial valve standards are crucial for ensuring the reliability, safety, and efficiency of valves across diverse industrial sectors. I believe that standards play a crucial role in establishing stringent safety protocols and criteria, minimizingДокладніше

Repairs an industrial valve

Industrial Valve Maintenance and Overhaul (Super complete)

Maintenance Cycle and Procedures Maintenance Cycle 1.1 The maintenance cycle for valves should be determined by each enterprise based on the characteristics of the production unit, properties of the medium, corrosion rates, and operational cycles. 1.2 The regular inspection ofДокладніше