Загальний обсяг інвестицій 1.24 мільярд юанів! Річний обсяг виробництва Farpro Yuanda Valve 50,000 тонн прецизійної арматури проект планується ввести в експлуатацію до кінця року.

З настанням місячного Нового року, Повіт Лун'яо продемонстрував яскраву життєву силу розвитку. The launch of the Farpro Yuanda Valve Project, which processes 50,000 tons of precision valves annually, is not only an important initiative in local industrial restructuring but also a positive response to the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries.

The total investment in the project amounts to 1.24 мільярд юанів, and the scale of the project is impressive. With a construction area of 333,000 square meters, it is expected to become an important industrial cluster area in the future. The project mainly produces cast steel valve і нержавіюча сталь API valves, and the market demand in this field is growing rapidly, providing broad development prospects for the enterprise.

Завод Yuanda Group в Китаї
Yuanda Group Factory in China 700000m²

As a traditional industrial base, Longyao County will promote local industrial upgrading by introducing this project, and it will also drive the development of surrounding supporting industries. The project is expected to achieve an annual output value of 1.8 billion yuan and an annual tax payment of 130 million yuan after production. This will inject strong impetus into the local economy and promote the sustained growth of local finance.

In terms of project construction, the construction party actively responded to the government’s call and spared no effort to promote project construction. From the start of construction last June to the present, the first phase of the project has been completed, and it is scheduled to be fully completed by June this year, with full production by the end of the year. The accelerated progress will help achieve project benefits as soon as possible, injecting new vitality into the local economy.

The initiation of the entire project not only reflects the local government’s emphasis on the development of the real economy but also attracts a large amount of investment and talent to the local area. With the construction and production of the project, it will provide more job opportunities for the local people, improve their living standards, and promote high-quality economic development in the region.