Farpro Valve Application and Case

The valves from Farpro Valve find application in numerous industries like petroleum, нафтохімічна, хімічний, електрична енергія, металургія, водне господарство, будівництво, фармацевтичний, водовідведення, та інші. Each valve is designed to meet specific needs of the industry it serves.

Farpro Valve is a globally renowned valve manufacturer, catering to various industries with its exceptional product range. The company has been serving the industry for many years with its high-quality valves that meet the demands of modern industries.

Farpro Valve Case Studies | Diverse Application

партнерів і додатків

Here are some case studies showcasing the diverse application of Farpro Valve products:

Oil and gas industry: Ball valves and gate valves are commonly used in the oil and gas industry due to their ability to handle high pressure and temperature. Farpro Valve’s API standard valves are recommended for this industry.

Water treatment industry: Globe valves and поворотні клапани are popular in the water treatment industry due to their precise flow control and ability to handle corrosive fluids. Farpro Valve’s AWWA standard valves are recommended for this industry.

Chemical industry: Diaphragm valves and plug valves are widely used in the chemical industry due to their excellent resistance to corrosion and ability to handle high viscosity fluids. Farpro Valve’s ANSI standard valves are recommended for this industry.

Mining industry: Check valves і knife gate valves are commonly used in the mining industry due to their ability to handle abrasive materials and prevent backflow. Farpro Valve’s DIN standard valves are recommended for this industry.

Power generation industry: Globe valves і засувки are commonly used in the power generation industry due to their ability to handle high pressure and temperature. Farpro Valve’s GB/JB standard valves are recommended for this industry.

What Applications and Factories Has Farpro Valve Worked with?

Промисловість електростанцій

  • Проект ТЕС Shenglong 2*300 МВт у В’єтнамі
  • Проект електростанції Thailang TPI PP 150 МВт
  • Проект електростанції комбінованого циклу в Бангладеші Хіраганджі потужністю 225 МВт
  • Південноафриканська шахта Тубаце Термічна піч для виробництва теплової енергії
  • Проект когенерації Korla 2*350MW
  • Олеська гідроелектростанція Камбоджа

Oil&Gas / Нафтохімічні постачальники

  • Baofeng Energy Group
  • China Petroleum Engineering Construction
  • SABIC Corporation Indonesia Natural Gas Project
  • Проект геофізичних досліджень у Саудівській Аравії
  • Казахстан Колжанський пошуковий проект
  • Придбання протипожежного клапана проекту TEMA в Гані

Постачальники міського будівництва

  • Проект водопостачання Кракова в Польщі
  • Проект насосної станції Tusterrick в Узбекистані
  • Пакистанський проект SK
  • Проект Angola Nova Ciamangola 5000TPD, тощо.
олія & Gas Marine Industrial

Oil & Gas Petroleum Industry

Farpro Valve has been catering to the needs of the petroleum industry for years. Recently, the company was contracted to supply valves for a major oil and gas project in the Middle East. The project required high-quality valves that could withstand extreme temperatures and pressures. Farpro Valve's valves were selected for their excellent performance and durability in such conditions.

Dams and Reservoirs

Water Industry

Farpro Valve has been supplying valves to the water industry for a long time. The company was contracted to supply valves for a water treatment plant in Europe. The project required valves that could operate in a corrosive environment and handle high-pressure water flow. Farpro Valve's valves were selected for their excellent corrosion resistance and ability to handle high pressure.

Chemical Processing

Chemical Industry Application

Farpro Valve has been serving the chemical industry with its high-quality valves for many years. Recently, the company was contracted to supply valves for a chemical plant in Asia. The project required valves that could handle highly corrosive chemicals and withstand high pressures. Farpro Valve's valves were selected for their excellent chemical resistance and ability to operate in extreme conditions.

Power Generation Industry​

Power Industry Appilication

Farpro Valve has been catering to the needs of the power industry application for years. Recently, the company was contracted to supply valves for a power plant in South America. The project required valves that could handle high-temperature steam flow and withstand extreme pressures. Farpro Valve's valves were selected for their excellent performance in high-temperature and high-pressure conditions.

Metallurgical-Steel Industry

Metallurgical / Steel Manufacturers

In the raw material feeding system of the steel manufacturing applications, Farpro Valve's gate valves and butterfly valves play a critical role in regulating and controlling the flow of materials such as iron ore, coal, and coke. The company's gate valves, with their robust construction and tight sealing, ensure that materials flow efficiently and prevent any leakage that could potentially damage equipment or cause safety hazards. In the dosing system, Farpro Valve's diaphragm valves and ball valves provide accurate control over the flow rate of additives such as lime, dolomite, and other chemicals.

Виробник клапанів Farpro prioritize honesty and integrity above offering the lowest prices. Ми прагнемо бути вашим найнадійнішим партнером, забезпечення високоякісних клапанів, які відповідають вашим конкретним вимогам.

Як провідний світовий виробник клапанів, ми спеціалізуємося на дослідженнях, розвитку, виробництва, та продаж клапанів. Наші стандарти продукції відповідають галузевим стандартам, таким як GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, ВІД, ВІН, ГОСТ, та Н.Ф.

Ми пропонуємо широкий асортимент клапанів, включаючи засувки, запірні клапани, кульові крани, поворотні клапани, зворотні клапани, діафрагмові клапани, редукційні клапани, пробкові вентилі, пастки, і більше, доступний в 12 основні категорії, 200 серії, і 4000 розміри. Наш річний обсяг виробництва досягає 80,000 тонн, serving a wide range of industrial applications, такі як нафта, нафтохімічна, хімічний, електрична енергія, металургія, водне господарство, будівництво, фармацевтичні препарати, і дренаж.

На закінчення, Farpro Valve is a leading valve manufacturer that offers high-quality valves for various industrial applications. Its valves are designed to meet specific industry requirements and can operate in extreme conditions. The company’s dedication to quality, reliability, and customer service has earned it a reputation as a trusted partner in the valve industry.

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